
Showing posts with the label love

A Writer Writes, Always

Hello again everybody, for this entry I'm going to have the theme be around a movie for a change. Actually, one scene from a movie in particular that stuck out my mind after the events of the past few weeks. It's from a movie called "Throw Momma from the Train" starring Billy Crystal and Danny DeVito . It wasn't the most colorful line from this scene, or even the title of the clip that I found on YouTube. Yet, from my perspective it was the most powerful message from the whole thing : "a writer writes, always" . This can be interpreted several different ways, but for myself I saw this as not allowing anything to get in the way of my writing. I must admit that I had stumbled upon these words, as they were said as a closing statement by Billy Crystal's character who is teaching a creative writing class. Of course most of this scene was meant to be a joke at the expense of a man in the class that mostly had sex on the brain (you'll se

All of My Love

Hello everyone, First of all let me say once again that I am very appreciative of everyone who gave me condolences and for those who continue to read I am very grateful. Last week I suffered another personal loss. For me it was losing a child, all though it's not a human child it is my loss. How some try to diminish the severity of the loss of a pet had me almost keep this private. This is just one of the many byproducts of today's society that we feel we have the right to dictate the emotions of others based on our own viewpoints. Nevertheless, it doesn't change how I feel and he shouldn't be robbed of a tribute because of some blowhards that wouldn't have the balls to say unsolicited and cruel things in person. Our pets do show us unconditional love and we enrich each other's lives. And for some of us, inspire us to be better people. I remember this guy, Pluto (as he was later named), was a small black kitten with a white patch on his chest w

Your Song : Less is More

Hello again, you might have noticed that I then a little bit more consistent lately. And I must admit it's because of the wonderful feedback I've gotten on my writing. I do appreciate when even one person takes the time out of their busy day to read and give feedback. It makes me want to keep sharing more with all of you. And for that I am very grateful. After all, a decent of the time I am speaking from a personal perspective and not a journalistic one. At this point in my life I've heard many sayings and parables that were created in order to teach people how some wisdom. One that certainly sticks out is one I heard from a dearly departed friend and mentor Alan Tynes . He said "God gave us two ears and one mouth because we are supposed to listen twice as much as we are supposed to talk". He wasn't talking directly to me but since I was within earshot [sic] I took note of it. Another saying that has been on my mind is of course "Less is more"

You Got It : How Taking a step back can help you move forward

Hello all, I just wanted to share something that happened yesterday and my thoughts about it. Today started out pretty much like any other weekday, I had to get up early and go to my day job (yes us ambitious types still call it that regardless of how much they pay or how old we are) even though I'm not a morning person I trained myself to look forward to everything that's in store for me throughout the day and of course remembering to be grateful that I am even here to do so. Pretty much a quiet day, didn't really hear from any of my friends even though I had plenty to say. I know that most people are unable to talk during the day but I was able to reach out to a select few just to check in and see how they were doing. I know for me (especially what all that's going on these days) that goes along way to know someone was thinking of me and decided to time out of their day to reach out to me. This wasn't the point I was trying to get at but i

Can't Stop, Won't Stop : a Celebration of Imbolg

Hello again, If you've been reading you know that this is my first entry of 2021. I was very flattered by the reaction I got from those who read my last entry , and for that I'm very grateful. I think it's odd at this stage of the game I have to constantly remind myself to be grateful. Life is much easier when you are Oh, but I'll talk more about that later. Recently I've learned to dial back my involvement on social media. I mainly just to post some things that I've been promoting or stuff to make others laugh . I've seen what a cesspool it has become and I see it being extremely pointless to engage in an argument with somebody who cannot agree to disagree. It's very bad for the soul . I'm a firm believer That Any time away from your place of business or running errands Should be utilized for relaxation and enjoyment at the very least (cue up the theme from Cheers). Why waste that time arguing with people that you barely know or putting som

Stuck in the Middle with Who?

Hello, if you read my last post you'd know that I am in the middle doing our radio campaign. Debuting at #36 on the National Metal charts was very encouraging. However, these days it seems like for every one step forward you make, things either fall back or stay still. I know most people don't know or don't want to know the day in day out struggles that most musicians have these days in order to survive. On top of having a job outside the music industry, we have to write,rehearse and promote our music. But it is rewarding being stuck in the middle if these two worlds when things pan out. But when they don't and you are left with unsold merchandise,playing to an empty room or another band's audience asking yourself is this even worth it? Ironically,one time we played in the middle of a bill with two other local acts in Astoria,NY (I'd mention them by name but the douchebag hipsters don't deserve any publicity), I watched the first band and the headliner

Hey, Hey what I can I Say?

Hello again everyone, Im sure by now the phrase "its been awhile since my last post" is becoming a cliche. Most bloggers are very consistent with their entries (like I once was) but things always throw us off course even if we try our best to not let them. I'll have to blame the issues I have been facing with PTSD and Depression . These may not seem like valid reasons to not continue writing but it has actually even effected my reading, believe it or not. Many don't understand (or want to understand) how crippling it can be. That's mainly why I haven't been blogging. Truthfully, I didn't even know what I was going to write and this wasn't the first time. If the recent past has taught me anything its that things will work out and come to you when they are supposed to. These things that make life difficult, and heartbreaking or for some make you question whether or not it's worth going on usually shape us into who we are. And for us creative ty

A Summer to Remember (Better late than Never)

Hello everybody, Last year I did an end of the summer post and I didn't want to create a carbon copy of that. And yes I know it is October. However, after looking back at the Summer of 2014 this entry will be not be a mere Summer recap post. I don't even know where to begin to describe what I expected to happen, what did happen and how it changed me forever. For a very long time I have been suffering from many personal demons including anger,depression,hopelessness and abandonment. Topped with the pressures of everyday life and trying to keep a band moving it can be quite taxing. Luckily, I allowed myself to loosen the grip on how I felt things should be and learned to "go with the flow" a bit. With the help of a few great friends that I had made recently I learned that I need to put these bad traits behind me and I can't thank them enough for helping me change for the better. Yet I know that I still have much to learn and that my personal evolution has just

Whats next?

Hello all, I should be focusing on the fact that in a few hours I will be seeing one of my biggest musical influences live. I have seen them before, with original drummer Bill Ward. And yes, I am one of these people that get bent out of shape when a reunion is missing one member(maybe its just an OCD tendency,idk). By now you should have guessed that I am going to see Black Sabbath . So here I am putting on a You Tube playlist of songs from Sabbath(yes in hopes that it will help me get through this entry) recalling stories of how they wrote some of their albums in the studio and came up with one of their most popular songs, Paranoid on a whim only because they had an extra three minutes on the tape to record with. Like I may have stated in older entries, I discover Sabbath as a Child when my Uncle had been listening to them(even admitting to truly subconsciously screw me by putting headphones on me in my sleep lol). Nevertheless, they have been engrained in me and keep me wri


Hello again everybody. These past few months have been intense, but finally the warm weather has returned! I think any simple change to break up the monotony of one's routine breathes new life into a person. I feel that I should have made this entry yesterday since it was the official start of Summer, with the Solstice and it being the longest day of the year. Nevertheless, shifting my focus off of my immeditae goals has allowed me to take a step back, absorb whats going on around me and let things happen organically. As I am approaching yet another Birthday(which I must admit usually makes me depressed)I decided to try and take a new mental approach to life. Now for an explanation on the title of this entry, Love,Love,Love it was simply something my group of friends had been repeating throughout the night. I took the oppurtunity to see a friend perform at Irving Plaza , with some other NYC bands. It was good go out and see people doing what they " Love " doing on su

The power of Music

“Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid”-Frank Zappa Hello, I know it has been sometime since my last post. After posting my first video in a blog, I wanted to give people sometime to soak that one in. Even though I know many of you do not play an instrument. This video was shown to co workers and many admitted that it seemed almost alien to them. Nevertheless, I will make more in the future & this entry has its own video as well. I did want to touch a bit of the reality of being a musician.This is one of the most misunderstood professions in existence. People often depict a musician as arrogant, yet expandable at the same time. I recall once I was in training class at my job with some guys that were a bit younger than me, pretty straight laced,car enthusiasts types from the suburbs. I remember one of them talking about a friend who was involved with a Girl who's Father was a decorated W

Memory from a lifetime ago at Albion

I figured you may enjoy reading some of poetry,and knowing a lighter side of me,here it goes I walked slowly(or so it seemed) to the main floor,I surveyed the space around me,right to left as i walked.Then on my left out of all the darkness,a hand comes out and goes down across this women's face as she is dancing. I immediately turned to her direction as if i were drawn in magnetically to her field. As I did everything seemed to be slower,and someone in all white crossed by between us and then faded out of view.I paid no mind as I mimicked her hand movements as she brought her right hand down to her side,we then locked hands as she grabbed me to draw me in closer and kissed me. That is how I found her, again.