
Showing posts with the label California


Hello All, I figured I would start the New Year off right by doing a follow up to my last entry sooner than later. No this isnā€™t a New Yearā€™s resolution or some New year, new me crap that we all loathe. I just think that after all time writing (and not writing) I should keep going. Besides like I mentioned in my last entry, sometimes time away is often needed to stay strong and effective. In these past few months, I have been thinking about quite a few topics to write about. Some of these are things that I have were ideas the moment they had happened. The last time I wrote I was mostly talking about things that seemed to be missing, hence the title The Big Empty . I reeled myself back in for a few reasons. One of which being that ā€œif you focus on lack you attract more lackā€ thank you Robert Zink for making me aware of that. I didnā€™t want it to seem like a year in review type thing. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve done that already. Besides,...

One Man's trip to NAMM

Mike Repel with Heidi Sheperd from the band the Butcher Babies For most musicians, especially us "gear heads" this past weekend is like a second Christmas. This past weekend the NAMM show was held at the Anaheim convention center in Anaheim, California. All music instrument manufacturers showcase their new gear including products that feature the latest technology (such as recording software).From new guitars to synths,drums,saxophones and much more. Along with new product demonstrations you can also see live performances and appearances by many of the industrie's top artists. Most of us (myself included) have to patiently wait for the new products to hit stores, and hope to catch a few highlights of pics and videos online. I was able to pick the brain of a friend that attended this years show. Mike Repel, Lead Singer/Guitarist for the band "Riotous Indignation" and author of : The Music Industry Self Help Guide which is a very good read (a must for ...