
Showing posts with the label hollywood


Hello All, I figured I would start the New Year off right by doing a follow up to my last entry sooner than later. No this isnā€™t a New Yearā€™s resolution or some New year, new me crap that we all loathe. I just think that after all time writing (and not writing) I should keep going. Besides like I mentioned in my last entry, sometimes time away is often needed to stay strong and effective. In these past few months, I have been thinking about quite a few topics to write about. Some of these are things that I have were ideas the moment they had happened. The last time I wrote I was mostly talking about things that seemed to be missing, hence the title The Big Empty . I reeled myself back in for a few reasons. One of which being that ā€œif you focus on lack you attract more lackā€ thank you Robert Zink for making me aware of that. I didnā€™t want it to seem like a year in review type thing. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve done that already. Besides,...

Hey, Hey what I can I Say?

Hello again everyone, Im sure by now the phrase "its been awhile since my last post" is becoming a cliche. Most bloggers are very consistent with their entries (like I once was) but things always throw us off course even if we try our best to not let them. I'll have to blame the issues I have been facing with PTSD and Depression . These may not seem like valid reasons to not continue writing but it has actually even effected my reading, believe it or not. Many don't understand (or want to understand) how crippling it can be. That's mainly why I haven't been blogging. Truthfully, I didn't even know what I was going to write and this wasn't the first time. If the recent past has taught me anything its that things will work out and come to you when they are supposed to. These things that make life difficult, and heartbreaking or for some make you question whether or not it's worth going on usually shape us into who we are. And for us creative ty...


In music, everyone will point out your flaws, unless you are the Rolling Stones After my last post, I noticed that I didnā€™t get much response from people as some of my previous posts. Even with a video,and it being my Birthday. But, I did realize that in my hast to not waste my day as I rushed off to see the Hangover 3 that I made several grammatical and typographical errors. Which brings me to my topic of choice, Failure .I really was shocked that some of my regular readers did not even comment. However, as stated previously I made many errors and looked at what I created in the eyes of a first time reader. Some one who was careless enough to not examine his work and present it in an orderly fashion shouldnā€™t expect to be taken seriously(from now on I will be even more meticulous when it comes to my final edit,lesson learned). As far as my regular readers, many people are away,planning trips and what not. You can never let one flop be your last post,last album,show,whatev...