
Showing posts with the label freedom

Burning Heart

Hello everyone, Happy Year. It's still early enough in the year to say that right? Anyway, I wish all of you a much better and prosperous 2022. This year is believed to bring about changes and abundance. Which after the last 2 years is really needed. The world has definitely changed drastically in the last couple of years. Just think about how people have changed not only their routine but how they interact with one another. We're being told that we should deprive ourselves of one of our very basic needs. Human contact. We were told to isolate ourselves, and only interact from a distance. Even more strangely, actual physical contact. People I've been conditioned to be at the very least weary, if not afraid giving another person a handshake. We're being told it's necessary for survival, it has affected our health in another way. Think about why prisons put people in solitary confinement. They're taking away ...

Land of Confusion

  Hello all, I wanted to start by saying that I know my last entry may have been a bit preachy . I know everybody has the right to believe what they choose to believe. But as you all know, this is coming from my perspective hence the name of the blog. I decided I want to write something about World Kindness Day , which was yesterday by the way. I was considering writing about a story that happened over the summer that Iā€™ve been putting on the back burner so to speak. So, I guess thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m doing yet again. Earlier today, one of the lines from the song by Genesis I chose to name this entry after stuck out to me. As it correlates to National Kindness Day. ā€œThere's not much love to go aroundā€, which I actually disagree with ...

Time of the Season

Hello all, sorry I'm a little late this week. I usually try to have something out by Monday at the latest. But unfortunately, I wasn't able to get much sleep Sunday night and it really affected my overall ability to function. However, I just want to say : Yes! It is that time of the season again. We finally have some consistently warm weather! And when I say we, I mean those of us that live in places that have seasons with changing temperatures. And when I say we I also mean those that enjoy the heat. For me it can almost never get too hot. But for some 75-80 Degrees feels like being in hell. No matter how you look at it, the weather does affect us in many ways. There have even been studies that show people who live in colder climates or places with less sunlight have a greater chance of having depression and other mood disorders. But I'll try to focus on the positive end of things right now and just be grateful that the warm weather is back! I should point out ...

There's something happening here : the curve is dividing us

Please See this link and find out how you can help save lives Hello everybody, when news of this pandemic hit I told myself I was not going to write about it. But like it or not, there is really no way of going about your day(whether you're staying at home or going to work, sorry but the word "Quarantined" is not truly by definition what the public is being told to do, look it up) without being inundated by the latest update on this crisis. The news media is supposed to keep us informed but it seems like it entire news segments are dedicated to this directly and indirectly. Not to mention daily press conferences by the public officials. This has obviously contributed to the Widespread Panic which it's already in place due to the fact that the Coronavirus is deadly. However the facts still prove that more people have died of other illnesses that have not received as much publicity. Not to mention the possibility that many of the recent deaths were reported ...