
Showing posts with the label dreams


Hello All, As I am doing my best to keep on a more consistent basis, the biggest challenge of course is coming up with something to write. Most people would say that the issue lies in finding the time to write. But as I have already exclaimed on many occasions, if something is important enough you will find the time to do so. Like I said before, claiming you donā€™t have the time is just another way people bullshit their way out of admitting that they truly donā€™t believe are capable of doing something. Like a shield to protect oneā€™s fragile ego while they are reminded of what they once set out to when they witness others who miraculously found the time to do so. And feeling even more shattered seeing others achieve success in some way doing the thing(s) they ā€œdidnā€™t have timeā€ to do. I have learned that if you keep doing what you set out to do, you have not failed. Yes, we are all hoping for some form of success, sustainability, o...


Hello All, I figured I would start the New Year off right by doing a follow up to my last entry sooner than later. No this isnā€™t a New Yearā€™s resolution or some New year, new me crap that we all loathe. I just think that after all time writing (and not writing) I should keep going. Besides like I mentioned in my last entry, sometimes time away is often needed to stay strong and effective. In these past few months, I have been thinking about quite a few topics to write about. Some of these are things that I have were ideas the moment they had happened. The last time I wrote I was mostly talking about things that seemed to be missing, hence the title The Big Empty . I reeled myself back in for a few reasons. One of which being that ā€œif you focus on lack you attract more lackā€ thank you Robert Zink for making me aware of that. I didnā€™t want it to seem like a year in review type thing. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve done that already. Besides,...

No Eternal Reward Will Forgive Us Now For Wasting The Dawn

Hello Everyone, This is technically my 100th entry. Although originally I created this blog to promote shows and other news about my band. So officially about another 25 posts or so will be the 100th entry where I'm actually writing. which will probably only be a few more months from now, if by then you haven't gotten sick of coming here and reading what I have to say of course. Either way, thank you in advance it's much appreciated. Even with all the years I've put into this, I'm still learning and trying to find ways to gain more readers and visibility. The point is, we should always be looking to improve things and moving to the next step. As I've said before in some way or the other, for an ambitious person being content his death. it's okay to be proud of what you've done so far, but there's always something we can learn and improve upon and I shouldn't be viewed as a burden. Even with the many years I have spent performing ...

Nobody's fault but mine

Well it looks like I almost did it again, and notice I said almost. You see,I almost let an entire week go by without putting up another entry. Yes I'm aware that Tuesday was the anniversary of the September 11th attacks. And what made it even worse was when it happened in 2011, it was in fact on a Tuesday. So for myself and I'm sure many others, the day was very sad with an almost draining vibe to it. I don't have any colorful story of the day to share or anyone that I was very close with passed away so I felt it was best to steer clear of the topic on that day. With the exception of posting a general memorial to those who died that day and I also posted the favorite song of a family friend who we lost that day. In loving Memory of Mike "Buddy" Zinzi" Learn More In my last post, I mentioned the book that I had let it sit around and collect dust instead of using it to its fullest potential : the Rock/Star Planner And d...