
Showing posts with the label fans

Burning Heart

Hello everyone, Happy Year. It's still early enough in the year to say that right? Anyway, I wish all of you a much better and prosperous 2022. This year is believed to bring about changes and abundance. Which after the last 2 years is really needed. The world has definitely changed drastically in the last couple of years. Just think about how people have changed not only their routine but how they interact with one another. We're being told that we should deprive ourselves of one of our very basic needs. Human contact. We were told to isolate ourselves, and only interact from a distance. Even more strangely, actual physical contact. People I've been conditioned to be at the very least weary, if not afraid giving another person a handshake. We're being told it's necessary for survival, it has affected our health in another way. Think about why prisons put people in solitary confinement. They're taking away ...

Back with a Bang! featuring an interview with Michale Graves

Hello everyone. I would like to say that it is great to be back blogging. And as the title suggests, what better way to comeback than to interview Ex-Misfits Singer Michale Graves while on his "When Worlds Collide" tour. The tour has not come through my town yet,but the last time I saw him perform was at a show that I had the distinct privilege of opening up for him. The energy from Michale and his band that night was unprecedented. I was able to get in touch with Michale while he is out on tour and this is what he had to say: Nate: How did you first discover your love of music? Michale: My home growing up in New Jersey was filled with music ā€“ classic rock n roll, early punk and big voices like Sinatra and Elvis Nate: How did you develop the Michale Graves image and persona? Michale: I had been interested in the theater for years ā€“ in front of and behind the curtain. Over the years I have evolved both the voice and my make-up ā€“ to now what we call the ā€œSkel...

Cool your engines

Hello again everybody, this entry I will be focusing on running a smarter campaign to avoid the backlash overdoing your promotions or (worse case scenario) being labeled a "Spammer". Yes, people do throw that and many other terms around too loosely, we all do. And I admit I have been guilty of overdoing posts in the past. But instead of defending myself and starting arguments I decided to evaluate how I was going about spreading the word about my music and this blog while sharing what I learned with you. Your goal when being on social media is not just to get people into your music music but also, entertaining them or engaging them with an interesting post, like a picture you took or asking them a question about a music related topic. Make it interactive and not just about you, people will respond more and, to quote Bill Cosby but you may even learn thing or two (Hey Hey Hey). Yes it can be nerve racking to think that so many bands are out their posting their music an...

The Musical Artist's Survival Guide Part 3: Touring

In my last entry this was one the things I didn't mention about promoting an album, well this and the importance of making a video (mainly because I assumed most bands have videos on you tube of performance and regular MTV style music videos). Touring is a very necessary and effective way for bands to build a more solid fan base and insure that album sales will increase, if done correctly and effectively. Many bands have an unenthusiastic opinion about touring or unrealistic expectations. First off the word "Tour" doesn't necessarily mean 3 months out on the road packed in a van, but it can mean that. You can actually take trips to separate cities and come home each time and consider that a tour too. Either way the goal is to play in as many different cities as you can in order to strengthen your fan base and album sales. But of course it is wise to KNOW YOUR LIMITATIONS in this case it pertains to how many places you can afford to travel to with your budget and...

We want to put you on our Album

We are currently in the process of recording our album(about half way done) We need your help to finish our release & we want to make a part of it. More details here Also, get more up to the minute news about the band by Liking us on Facebook And be sure to Follow us on Twitter

Important updates: New pages

Hello all, We hope that you all had a great Holiday Season. In order to keep things accurate, we had to create a new facebook page, in order to appear as a band on the site. If you "Like" the old page or not, all you need to do to see the new page is Click Here Great new way for Fans and Bands to interact We would like to invite all of you to join us on This is a Win-Win for fans and bands. Fans can sign up for a free account, become fans of a band, and get free downloads just for being a fan. Bands get paid by Reverbnation for the amount of traffic and plays they get. Also, fans can join the band's street team and win shirts and other merchandise just for reposting widgets. Please see the widget below to join today Help spread the word about Imbolg,by reposting any of these widgets New You Tube Page We have made our official You Tube Channel. Im sure most of you have seen the videos that are posted on their now, but in the coming weeks and months we wi...

FREE ALL AGES SHOW & COSTUME CONTEST: the Gothic Rock of Imbolg at the Queens Library in Flushing

On Saturday October 30th, The Queens Library in Flushing,NY brings you: the Gothic Rock of Imbolg. This Queens based band has been performing throughout the Northeastern United States for the past several years and have also been mentioned in music reviewer/author Mick Mercer's latest book:" Music to die for". Now, the band returns home to perform their own brand of Celtic influenced Goth Metal music for the people of Queens free of charge at 2pm and they encourage all to come in costume to enter a pre-halloween costume contest open to people of all ages. The Flushing library is located at 41-17 main street in flushing. Fore more information please call 718 661

Help spread the word about Imbolg & win prizes

To all Fans, join us on this new page we created. It is designed to help spread the word about the band, and by doing so you can win prizes and you will also be helping us play more shows in your area as well.