
Showing posts with the label type o negative

It's Never Enough

Hello again everybody. When I first came up with the idea for this particular entry, it was back in early July. And even those itā€™s the last day of September (and most likely your reading this in October) I. Didn't want another month to go by. I was on the way to the charity show I had mentioned previously Bravo Fest . Obviously a lot has happened between now and then. But oh, I still think that the basic idea is still relevant. At the time, I found myself driving on I-95 up to the show in Connecticut thinking about all of the pitfalls I had encountered trying to put this together. From cancellations, things getting lost in the mail and in general things not coming together the way I had hoped they would. Plus sitting in traffic never put anyone in a good mood. Especially me. Of course this was different than most of the events said I had performed at. Because not only was it a charity, but it was for raising money for our veterans. Whi...

A Writer Writes, Always

Hello again everybody, for this entry I'm going to have the theme be around a movie for a change. Actually, one scene from a movie in particular that stuck out my mind after the events of the past few weeks. It's from a movie called "Throw Momma from the Train" starring Billy Crystal and Danny DeVito . It wasn't the most colorful line from this scene, or even the title of the clip that I found on YouTube. Yet, from my perspective it was the most powerful message from the whole thing : "a writer writes, always" . This can be interpreted several different ways, but for myself I saw this as not allowing anything to get in the way of my writing. I must admit that I had stumbled upon these words, as they were said as a closing statement by Billy Crystal's character who is teaching a creative writing class. Of course most of this scene was meant to be a joke at the expense of a man in the class that mostly had sex on the brain (you'll se...

Pagan-Inspired Musical Collective IMBOLG Reveals New Video for ā€œRed Devilā€ from The Sorrows Album

via Adrenaline PR Latest News :   PAGAN-INSPIRED MUSICAL COLLECTIVE IMBOLG REVEALS NEW VIDEO FOR ā€œRED DEVILā€ FROM THE SORROWS ALBUM   Watch ā€œRed Devil,ā€ Featuring Pro Wrestler Tracy Wayne Gacy   New York City pagan-inspired musical collective IMBOLG has released a new video for ā€œRed Devilā€ from the groupā€™s sophomore album, The Sorrows. Filmed at Smash studios in NYC with Derek Soto of Sinestra Studios, ā€œRed Devilā€ features an appearance by model and professional wrestler Tracy Wayne Gacy . Watch the video now at . ā€œThe tone of the video is set in line with the lyrics,ā€ says vocalist/guitarist Nate Dal Cais. ā€œIt describes the desire for a woman referred to as ā€˜Red Devil,ā€™ who appears dancing and gazing into the camera to solidify the concept of her being the muse.ā€ Founded by Dal Cais, the goth-pagan metal band is named after the late winter Celtic pagan holiday also known as Candlemas. IMBOLGā€™s distinctive st...

Tell me what you want

Please See this link and find out how you can help save lives Hello all, please don't let Uncle Sam make assume what this is about. Because this is NOT by any means a political post. Many of you know that I never post about that topic,but still just needed to inform you. After my last entry I decided to pause for a little while in hopes that what I was saying would seep into the hearts and minds of those willing to listen. Not to mention, even though we've been inundated with plenty of updates and theories since then, what I spoke about previously is still a current topic. This is easier said than done of course, but instead of allowing what's going on in the world and everyone's opposing views to suppress me, I chose to take a chance at gaining some new momentum. Even though we are all in this together, which has even become sort of a slogan it's quite obvious that people deal with this very differently based on their own personal experiences. I for ...

New live show videos from BerlinNYC

The first 3 videos have links for free mp3 downloads See our You Tube Channel for more info