
Showing posts with the label awareness

Turn, Turn, Turn

Hello All, I am glad to be back once again this week to share more with you. Last time I may have been a bit long winded with tones of resentment and bitterness that lead me to finding some peace, some contentment within these struggles. But like I have stated before in one way or another even being content is worry-some simply because it means youā€™ve settled, or itā€™s the end, Iā€™ve peaked. So let me state that in most instances, I am never fully content. And it may have seemed like I am not grateful for the things I do have, which also not the case. If you donā€™t know by you should be aware of how empowering gratitude is and how it will allow you to manifest the things that hope to have come into your life (Thank you once again Robert Zink ). So just remember ā€œGratitude is the Attitudeā€ and you can quote me on that, like I just did. One of the most anxiety inducing things for any writer is to come up with something to write abou...

Wasted Time

Hello everyone. After last week I don't think there's any way I could top that, so I'm not going to try. But I'm also not going to allow the the shift in my schedule or the fact that this it's a holiday weekend to put things to a screeching halt. For many this is the time of Lent in which people are supposed to give up something they enjoy for a short of time. With everything that's going on in the world right now most people, regardless of religious beliefs or lack thereof are already giving something up they enjoy. And not just one thing, in most cases several things. For many it's almost as if our lives our assembly being put on hold until further notice. Anyone who read my last entry, knows that I decided to not let my life be on hold and took a trip out of the country. I think the airlines and the place I was staying did a very good job of keeping everybody safe. Despite not requiring a vaccination (as if they h...