
Showing posts with the label Music Lovers

A funny thing happened at a Red light

Hello all, I had yet again another unexpected hiatus. I am trying to move this blog over to our main website (which you maybe reading this from for all I know) and after the unexpected low number of reader for my last entry I was a bot taken aback. It may have been the fact that some people are not a fan of the late David Crosby or the genre of music he created. I assure you that whatever your muscial taste, it is something that you will benefit from by reading it. Yes it was about an artist that was prominent in another time period, but much of what he said is extremely relevant today. Especially with everything that is working so hard to divide us againsst on another. I must admit I am NOT a fan of these cold months and I literally found myself of dreaming of being back in California. The irony goes beyond that fact that there is a song about it, but also that I have only spent a few days of my life there so far (go figure). I can...

Turn, Turn, Turn

Hello All, I am glad to be back once again this week to share more with you. Last time I may have been a bit long winded with tones of resentment and bitterness that lead me to finding some peace, some contentment within these struggles. But like I have stated before in one way or another even being content is worry-some simply because it means youā€™ve settled, or itā€™s the end, Iā€™ve peaked. So let me state that in most instances, I am never fully content. And it may have seemed like I am not grateful for the things I do have, which also not the case. If you donā€™t know by you should be aware of how empowering gratitude is and how it will allow you to manifest the things that hope to have come into your life (Thank you once again Robert Zink ). So just remember ā€œGratitude is the Attitudeā€ and you can quote me on that, like I just did. One of the most anxiety inducing things for any writer is to come up with something to write abou...


Hello All, As I am doing my best to keep on a more consistent basis, the biggest challenge of course is coming up with something to write. Most people would say that the issue lies in finding the time to write. But as I have already exclaimed on many occasions, if something is important enough you will find the time to do so. Like I said before, claiming you donā€™t have the time is just another way people bullshit their way out of admitting that they truly donā€™t believe are capable of doing something. Like a shield to protect oneā€™s fragile ego while they are reminded of what they once set out to when they witness others who miraculously found the time to do so. And feeling even more shattered seeing others achieve success in some way doing the thing(s) they ā€œdidnā€™t have timeā€ to do. I have learned that if you keep doing what you set out to do, you have not failed. Yes, we are all hoping for some form of success, sustainability, o...

The Big Empty

Hello all, Well, I can say for sure that if thereā€™s one thing consistent about this is blog is inconsistency. Or the consistency of not being consistent. Or perhaps being consistently sporadic. No matter which way you look at it, I should try to give you more to read more often. Thereā€™s the word I was looking for. I really donā€™t know what to make of this latest absence. We always find readily used excuses that seem to be given effortlessly such as ā€œI was so busyā€, or ā€œI just canā€™tā€. These are so overused and accessible that they make us feel no guilt of wasting energy better spent finding a solution than coming up with reasons why we canā€™t do something. A tool I often find readily available once I smell the unfortunately familiar scent of bullshit being served to me by someone incapable of getting passed their own thoughts. Ok, enough of that (for now). This is an indirect admission of guilt on my part. Bes...

The Show must go on

Hello everyone, despite the fact that it's been several months since Iā€™ve written here. I have to say this is one of the most difficult if not the most difficult entry I have ever written. Not only that I have found myself lacking the enthusiasm to do pretty much anything outside of necessity, which I common for most people dealing with the type of thing Iā€™m about to reveal to you, but not so common for a self motivated, ambitious person. Usually I will open up a blank page to commit to writing something new and go with it. But, that was over a week ago and here I am. At the beginning of this month I had a death in my family. And not just any family member, I lost my Grandma. Of course no loss of a loved one can be measured In terms of greatness. But it would be more accurate to say that each loss affects us differently depending on what relationship we have with the person that has departed. Of course we were expecting this at some point in the near future since...

Land of Confusion

  Hello all, I wanted to start by saying that I know my last entry may have been a bit preachy . I know everybody has the right to believe what they choose to believe. But as you all know, this is coming from my perspective hence the name of the blog. I decided I want to write something about World Kindness Day , which was yesterday by the way. I was considering writing about a story that happened over the summer that Iā€™ve been putting on the back burner so to speak. So, I guess thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m doing yet again. Earlier today, one of the lines from the song by Genesis I chose to name this entry after stuck out to me. As it correlates to National Kindness Day. ā€œThere's not much love to go aroundā€, which I actually disagree with ...

The Veil is thinning

Hello all, I must admit this Samhain season has been a bit slow. But still interesting. Most people have their own rituals around this time of year. From the costumes and pumpkin carving, to a trip out of town to a place frequent around Halloween such as Salem or Sleepy Hollow . I however chose to withdraw from one of my long standing traditions, performing live. I just felt it was not the right time and "sitting this one out" wouldn't be so bad. I am a firm believer in do it right or not at all. Still with everything going on I have plenty to reflect on and work towards in the coming months but more on that by later. There is one tradition that I am definitely not going to withdraw from,and that the very root of this celebration(no,not Trick or Treating) honoring those who passed on. As I am writing this, I am watching the sky darken and in between tonight and tomorrow. night, it is said that the veil between the wor...

It's Never Enough

Hello again everybody. When I first came up with the idea for this particular entry, it was back in early July. And even those itā€™s the last day of September (and most likely your reading this in October) I. Didn't want another month to go by. I was on the way to the charity show I had mentioned previously Bravo Fest . Obviously a lot has happened between now and then. But oh, I still think that the basic idea is still relevant. At the time, I found myself driving on I-95 up to the show in Connecticut thinking about all of the pitfalls I had encountered trying to put this together. From cancellations, things getting lost in the mail and in general things not coming together the way I had hoped they would. Plus sitting in traffic never put anyone in a good mood. Especially me. Of course this was different than most of the events said I had performed at. Because not only was it a charity, but it was for raising money for our veterans. Whi...