
Showing posts with the label facebook

Lucky Man and a Digressing Society caused by social media

Hello all. In this the last entry that I will make in 2020, I wasn't intending for this to be any type of "year in review" or "recap" of sorts. After all, the general consensus is that this year really sucked. So why even attempt to pinpoint a few highlights, since they're really weren't any. My focus in this entry was mainly on how social media has really affected our society for the worst. You can even say it has made us de-evolutionized. Believe it or not, this is where the band Devo got their name. But that has been overshadowed by their song "Whip it" being the first one to have a video on MTV . My other objective is to form a bridge between this and my new web series : Talking straight with Nate . Which just like this, has a variety of topics equated with music, life and motivation. But I will also be doing some reviews, on-location shoots, unboxings and in the future I'm planning on doing some interv...

There's something happening here : the curve is dividing us

Please See this link and find out how you can help save lives Hello everybody, when news of this pandemic hit I told myself I was not going to write about it. But like it or not, there is really no way of going about your day(whether you're staying at home or going to work, sorry but the word "Quarantined" is not truly by definition what the public is being told to do, look it up) without being inundated by the latest update on this crisis. The news media is supposed to keep us informed but it seems like it entire news segments are dedicated to this directly and indirectly. Not to mention daily press conferences by the public officials. This has obviously contributed to the Widespread Panic which it's already in place due to the fact that the Coronavirus is deadly. However the facts still prove that more people have died of other illnesses that have not received as much publicity. Not to mention the possibility that many of the recent deaths were reported ...

No Man is an Island

Hello everyone, I know that I have been absent for awhile now. But in the midst of this incredibly long winter(that is officially over and refuses to die) It has been hard to go out and enjoy life, write or perform. Although I did manage to perform recently with my Bass player, Lynn Haze at the Dorian Gray party here in NYC(see pic below). I have been busy finishing up two releases, and a long work project so that I can fund the things I love doing. Not to mention the Indie Gogo campaign we created has been keeping me occupied. Like anything else it has been an uphill battle and in hindsight I wish I had done more research before beginning the campaign. However, We are still struggling to make our goal and those who donate will receive perks such as downloads, keychains that our bass player Lynn Haze is making custom, and the most popular perk : pre-ordered copies of albums from Imbolg and Of Beauty and Madness . You can find out more about our campaign and how you can contribute ...

Cool your engines

Hello again everybody, this entry I will be focusing on running a smarter campaign to avoid the backlash overdoing your promotions or (worse case scenario) being labeled a "Spammer". Yes, people do throw that and many other terms around too loosely, we all do. And I admit I have been guilty of overdoing posts in the past. But instead of defending myself and starting arguments I decided to evaluate how I was going about spreading the word about my music and this blog while sharing what I learned with you. Your goal when being on social media is not just to get people into your music music but also, entertaining them or engaging them with an interesting post, like a picture you took or asking them a question about a music related topic. Make it interactive and not just about you, people will respond more and, to quote Bill Cosby but you may even learn thing or two (Hey Hey Hey). Yes it can be nerve racking to think that so many bands are out their posting their music an...

Never Say Die!

Some of you that are linked up with me on Facebook probably know why I chose this title. I have been posting a video for a song with the same named from a band called the 69 Eyes around lately for various reasons. I felt the message of the song is good and I have been listening to this group a lot recently. Also, I just felt this was a fitting message to send people into 2014 with. A few weeks ago I warned everyone about the dangers of being sidetracked during the Holidays. Which I'm sure may have gone wayside, and justifiably so. I have found myself practically in panic mode not being able to get even the simple of tasks done(actually I'm lying I did come up with a few new riffs and lyrics) forgetting that this is a well earned break from all the pressure and stress that comes along with being a D.I.Y. musician/owner of a soon to be launched independent record label. I found myself very anxious too when thinking about spending time with the people that will accept ...

The Vicious Circle

I took the name of a Facebook group that I joined for the title of this post. I believe the group deals with ranting, but I realized that ranting takes away from the time needed to become successful. However, we all do it from time to time so here is the link to that group if you feel the need to do so. The one good thing about a rant is that many people can relate to do it. For those of you that are linked to my Facebook and Twitter accounts, you may noticed that I created my catchphrase for the most dreaded day of the week, Monday. I figured, we have "Feel good Friday" and "Throwback Thursday" why not "Bitch and Moan Monday"? Come on you know we all do it, so feel free to post it but make sure you include these hashtags: #BMM #ihatemondays #mondayssuck. The Vicious Circle I am referring to is that which as artists we must be a part of. My last few posts focused on learning how the music business operates,putting out and promoting a professiona...

the Musical Artist's survival guide part 1: the music business and promoting yourself

Ok, I have been speaking about this for some time now. A few years back I put together a list of books and webpages I suggest for all independent artists. They will help you learn about the music business and make it easier for you further all your musical endeavors. I have read most of these books(really, I did. I'm not lying) and they can be found at the library and on sites like Ebay or Amazon. If anyone has any other books or webpages that you think are useful please let me know. I will start with the Books and include some webpages for the end. REFERENCE BOOKS The Indie Bible a book that is released yearly that has a list of contact information for record companies, radio stations, magazines, distributors and more that will work with independent bands. It is divided up Geographically and by Genre. The Music Atlas Another Yearly reference book. Not specifically geared towards independent artists. But does have many resources such as record labels and other informatio...

There is a Song for any occasion

After my last blog post I started thinking how there is a song that can fit almost any situation. If you read that post you would know that it was no laughing matter. However, another choice song to post may have been: Into the great wide open by Tom Petty . It much like the song from The Byrds : Turn,Turn,Turn , with the words taken from the Bible : to everything turn,turn,turn, there is a season. I know most of you probably know the rest but, it basically states that there is a time for everything. I'm sure we have all been to enough Weddings, Birthdays, and various joyous occasions to have heard Kool & the Gang's Celebration more times than we can count. I didnā€™t want to come right out and make it obvious this was a farewell to summer entry. I was even worried that naming this entry "There is a Song for every Season", fearing that I may give it away. I think most of us are in denial about or just sad to see it go. On the other hand, I'm sure m...


Hello again everybody. These past few months have been intense, but finally the warm weather has returned! I think any simple change to break up the monotony of one's routine breathes new life into a person. I feel that I should have made this entry yesterday since it was the official start of Summer, with the Solstice and it being the longest day of the year. Nevertheless, shifting my focus off of my immeditae goals has allowed me to take a step back, absorb whats going on around me and let things happen organically. As I am approaching yet another Birthday(which I must admit usually makes me depressed)I decided to try and take a new mental approach to life. Now for an explanation on the title of this entry, Love,Love,Love it was simply something my group of friends had been repeating throughout the night. I took the oppurtunity to see a friend perform at Irving Plaza , with some other NYC bands. It was good go out and see people doing what they " Love " doing on su...

My new speciality : Vegetable salad (and how it helps me write music)

Yet again, another off shoot from my Facebook . I just decided to make this for myself on the weekend as part of my Saturday afternoon ritual & I have been perfecting it over the months. After I saw all the likes and comments(especially from the Ladies) I figure I would share it. I never thought that the old saying would now have people going around saying "the way to a Woman's heart is through Her Stomach" . Putting some thought into this, I think that cooking is a good practice for musicians to explore. I have noticed it is similar to songwriting(well for me anyway). I have found recipes online and followed them to a tee,much like my ideas on how I envision a song I am in the process of writing to sound when the recording is finalized. However, after making a dish a few times, I end up adding, altering or taking out something to my liking. Much like I do when honing a song from an idea on paper,to a demo & into a finished song. This time of year many peop...

I want to know what you would have done

This was originally a post on my Facebook page, but I saved it and decided to post it here after seeing how many people commented on it and liked the post. Maybe this post will actually generate some comments on my blog, and maybe, just maybe help some people develop some more etiquette in certain social situations. I wonder how many of you would do what I did: I'm in a club that has 2 rooms that share restrooms. The other room is of course the "mainstream" or "normal" crowd. I'm changing in the stall & the latch was loose, so this guy tried opening it. After noticing It was occupied he waits there, and I realize He has a woman with him. They are waiting for me to be done, just enjoying each others company(to put it mildly)never-minding what most people do in the stall, just waiting for it to be free so they can do their thing. Not that I am a prude or anything, but they should have used some discretion and waited outside the bathroom or somet...

Set the bar for yourself

This will obviously be the last post of the year. I was brooding over what I should write about, I really don't want bore everyone with some lame ass "Year in review" piece. I was just very indifferent about the Holidays this year with the requirement of having to rush around like a maniac to buy stuff, which keeps getting crazier and crazier with each passing year. So much so that I even dreaded going to Holiday parties, partly because of my need to not conform to what is being spoon fed to us, but mainly because of my own self disappointment in where I think I should be at this stage of my life. However, the much dreaded Holiday events made lead me to meeting a remarkable person from another era. This person had been telling me about how the music scene once was here in New York , and in other places. The importance of such places like the Joshua Tree (the place in Southern California ,not the U2 album) and how he feels that music will be society's saving gr...

Sponsored by Coffin Case: Imbolg live at Incantation's Goth Yule Celebration 12/17

On Saturday December 17th, at Uncle Mike's in Tribeca, Absolution NYC presents: "Incantation" a night of the finest Gothic recording artists with resident Dj Jason of Alchemy spinning goth music the throughout the evening.The Night will be sponsored by Coffin Case which will feature the lovely Coffinette models giving out prizes from Coffin Case including coffin shaped gig bags for the guitar hero and rock band video games. Musical acts will include Melvin R. Ylagan, Imbolg, Ninth House , the SpiderLilies (featuring former members of the Cruxshadows) and the Missing. Doors open at 8:30 PM Admission is $10 for all patrons 21 and over with ID Uncle Mike's is located at: 57 Murray St, in New York,NY. For more information please visit : See the Facebook event here:!/events/257414127641374/

We want to put you on our Album

We are currently in the process of recording our album(about half way done) We need your help to finish our release & we want to make a part of it. More details here Also, get more up to the minute news about the band by Liking us on Facebook And be sure to Follow us on Twitter

Important updates: New pages

Hello all, We hope that you all had a great Holiday Season. In order to keep things accurate, we had to create a new facebook page, in order to appear as a band on the site. If you "Like" the old page or not, all you need to do to see the new page is Click Here Great new way for Fans and Bands to interact We would like to invite all of you to join us on This is a Win-Win for fans and bands. Fans can sign up for a free account, become fans of a band, and get free downloads just for being a fan. Bands get paid by Reverbnation for the amount of traffic and plays they get. Also, fans can join the band's street team and win shirts and other merchandise just for reposting widgets. Please see the widget below to join today Help spread the word about Imbolg,by reposting any of these widgets New You Tube Page We have made our official You Tube Channel. Im sure most of you have seen the videos that are posted on their now, but in the coming weeks and months we wi...