
Showing posts with the label couples

The power of Music

ā€œWithout music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paidā€-Frank Zappa Hello, I know it has been sometime since my last post. After posting my first video in a blog, I wanted to give people sometime to soak that one in. Even though I know many of you do not play an instrument. This video was shown to co workers and many admitted that it seemed almost alien to them. Nevertheless, I will make more in the future & this entry has its own video as well. I did want to touch a bit of the reality of being a musician.This is one of the most misunderstood professions in existence. People often depict a musician as arrogant, yet expandable at the same time. I recall once I was in training class at my job with some guys that were a bit younger than me, pretty straight laced,car enthusiasts types from the suburbs. I remember one of them talking about a friend who was involved with a Girl who's Father was a decorated W...

I want to know what you would have done

This was originally a post on my Facebook page, but I saved it and decided to post it here after seeing how many people commented on it and liked the post. Maybe this post will actually generate some comments on my blog, and maybe, just maybe help some people develop some more etiquette in certain social situations. I wonder how many of you would do what I did: I'm in a club that has 2 rooms that share restrooms. The other room is of course the "mainstream" or "normal" crowd. I'm changing in the stall & the latch was loose, so this guy tried opening it. After noticing It was occupied he waits there, and I realize He has a woman with him. They are waiting for me to be done, just enjoying each others company(to put it mildly)never-minding what most people do in the stall, just waiting for it to be free so they can do their thing. Not that I am a prude or anything, but they should have used some discretion and waited outside the bathroom or somet...