
Showing posts with the label fun

Im Baaaaaaack!

After that last entry and all I put into it and the previous entries that include tips on the music Business, I needed to take a breather(which is needed from time to time). Well that and I have been having computer issues. Anyway, I really hope my last few entries gave you some serious insight into what is put into a career as a professional musician. What I really mean is an original band that plays professionally. All the Orchestras you may have heard(think Star Wars ) in movies, Tv, or in plays or operas are all classically trained musicians, some of which have been playing since early in their childhood that have spent some much time learning their instrument that can not only play many complex pieces of music, but can also play them as soon as a piece is given them. Which is also known as "Sight Reading". That is in itself is something many artists(including myself)can barely do if at all.Luckily these musicians usually are well compensated and receive medical an...

There is a Song for any occasion

After my last blog post I started thinking how there is a song that can fit almost any situation. If you read that post you would know that it was no laughing matter. However, another choice song to post may have been: Into the great wide open by Tom Petty . It much like the song from The Byrds : Turn,Turn,Turn , with the words taken from the Bible : to everything turn,turn,turn, there is a season. I know most of you probably know the rest but, it basically states that there is a time for everything. I'm sure we have all been to enough Weddings, Birthdays, and various joyous occasions to have heard Kool & the Gang's Celebration more times than we can count. I didnā€™t want to come right out and make it obvious this was a farewell to summer entry. I was even worried that naming this entry "There is a Song for every Season", fearing that I may give it away. I think most of us are in denial about or just sad to see it go. On the other hand, I'm sure m...


Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans-John Lennon I was waiting to get some updated mix downs of some songs today, but it was practically the furthest thing from my mind. In the mists of what was nearly a family tragedy, I found myself using my resources and my knowledge of working along side of the press to search for a missing relative. Fortunately he was found unharmed, however when something of this nature occurs it really shows you how much somethings that we see as important are virtually insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Some artists have an "all or nothing" attitude when it comes be successful. I have even seen some bands putting out an ad looking for a new member saying we dont want anyone that will be looking to take time off for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Holidays. What nerve? This is clearly not the case for all bands. I recall U2 canceling an entire tour due to a family tragedy. And since they probably were playing in arena...

Why you should NEVER leave your email open near me & leave the room

I was working at a music store years ago.As most jobs were coworkers share similar interests,it becomes a group of friends,and sometimes even more so. At the Christmas party that year,on of the cashiers went home with one of the Managers(which im sure you guessed became common knowledge amongst the staff. Anyway,I was chatting with my said cashier co-worker over by a computer that she was logged on to checking her hotmail. She was abruptly called to the register to ring up a customer. A light bulb went off above my head( ding! )and I decided to email another coworker as the cashier, topic: Help. The body of the simply stated that the Manager gave the Cashier vaginal worts . I was fortunate enough to have witnessed this 3rd co-worker opening his email in shocked and anger,and the cashier was there as well denying sending the email obviously.Therefore the chaos I created was even more intense. One of my finer moments I must say.

Come see us Live at Indenial's It's a hard Rock Life Sponosred by Coffin Case

On Saturday April 30th Indenial brings you : "it's hard rock life" at the Broadway bar in Amityville Long Island. the night is sponsored by Hartke Amps,Duff's Brooklyn,Wyld Chyld Tattoo,and Coffin Case,featuring the Coffinettes for your viewing pleasure. All patrons 21 and up are encouraged to come dressed according to the theme of the night which is either: prison garb,handcuffs,or chains and all who do will get a discount on their admission.Drink Specials for the first hour will include: $2 Buds and Bud lights on Tap,$2Soco and lime shots ,As well as all night specials on Pabst Blue ribbon beers for $3 and buy 2 Jager shots and get 1 free . There will be prize drawings throughout the night as well. The night will also feature live performances by up and coming area bands the Saints of Pain ,and Imbolg . Both bands are known throughout the Northeast region for their consistent heavy hitting,energetic and melodic performances and unique stage shows. There will a...

FREE ALL AGES SHOW & COSTUME CONTEST: the Gothic Rock of Imbolg at the Queens Library in Flushing

On Saturday October 30th, The Queens Library in Flushing,NY brings you: the Gothic Rock of Imbolg. This Queens based band has been performing throughout the Northeastern United States for the past several years and have also been mentioned in music reviewer/author Mick Mercer's latest book:" Music to die for". Now, the band returns home to perform their own brand of Celtic influenced Goth Metal music for the people of Queens free of charge at 2pm and they encourage all to come in costume to enter a pre-halloween costume contest open to people of all ages. The Flushing library is located at 41-17 main street in flushing. Fore more information please call 718 661