Your Song : Less is More

Hello again, you might have noticed that I then a little bit more consistent lately. And I must admit it's because of the wonderful feedback I've gotten on my writing. I do appreciate when even one person takes the time out of their busy day to read and give feedback. It makes me want to keep sharing more with all of you. And for that I am very grateful. After all, a decent of the time I am speaking from a personal perspective and not a journalistic one. At this point in my life I've heard many sayings and parables that were created in order to teach people how some wisdom. One that certainly sticks out is one I heard from a dearly departed friend and mentor Alan Tynes . He said "God gave us two ears and one mouth because we are supposed to listen twice as much as we are supposed to talk". He wasn't talking directly to me but since I was within earshot [sic] I took note of it. Another saying that has been on my mind is of course "Less is more"...