
Showing posts with the label motivation

Turn, Turn, Turn

Hello All, I am glad to be back once again this week to share more with you. Last time I may have been a bit long winded with tones of resentment and bitterness that lead me to finding some peace, some contentment within these struggles. But like I have stated before in one way or another even being content is worry-some simply because it means youā€™ve settled, or itā€™s the end, Iā€™ve peaked. So let me state that in most instances, I am never fully content. And it may have seemed like I am not grateful for the things I do have, which also not the case. If you donā€™t know by you should be aware of how empowering gratitude is and how it will allow you to manifest the things that hope to have come into your life (Thank you once again Robert Zink ). So just remember ā€œGratitude is the Attitudeā€ and you can quote me on that, like I just did. One of the most anxiety inducing things for any writer is to come up with something to write abou...

The Show must go on

Hello everyone, despite the fact that it's been several months since Iā€™ve written here. I have to say this is one of the most difficult if not the most difficult entry I have ever written. Not only that I have found myself lacking the enthusiasm to do pretty much anything outside of necessity, which I common for most people dealing with the type of thing Iā€™m about to reveal to you, but not so common for a self motivated, ambitious person. Usually I will open up a blank page to commit to writing something new and go with it. But, that was over a week ago and here I am. At the beginning of this month I had a death in my family. And not just any family member, I lost my Grandma. Of course no loss of a loved one can be measured In terms of greatness. But it would be more accurate to say that each loss affects us differently depending on what relationship we have with the person that has departed. Of course we were expecting this at some point in the near future since...

Catch Me Now I'm Falling

Hello again everybody, well the good thing about posting this now is that I can congratulate everybody for making it through another week. I think that this one will be a pretty fitting end to Mental Health Awareness Month . The title pretty much gives this one away, but as you know there are many layers to a story to examine. As some of you probably already know, I lifted the title of this post from a song by The Kinks . Since the lyrics of this song primarily gravitate around the comic book hero Captain America (which I was once nicknamed behind my back by complaining ex bandmates that were mad bc I am willing to do what it takes to be successful when they were not, how dare I) asking for help from somebody, anybody. After trying to find out exactly what the inspiration for this song was, I discovered that this was the personification of America in crisis knowing that they have always given aid to other countries. They couldn't have picked a better Motif, since thi...

No Eternal Reward Will Forgive Us Now For Wasting The Dawn

Hello Everyone, This is technically my 100th entry. Although originally I created this blog to promote shows and other news about my band. So officially about another 25 posts or so will be the 100th entry where I'm actually writing. which will probably only be a few more months from now, if by then you haven't gotten sick of coming here and reading what I have to say of course. Either way, thank you in advance it's much appreciated. Even with all the years I've put into this, I'm still learning and trying to find ways to gain more readers and visibility. The point is, we should always be looking to improve things and moving to the next step. As I've said before in some way or the other, for an ambitious person being content his death. it's okay to be proud of what you've done so far, but there's always something we can learn and improve upon and I shouldn't be viewed as a burden. Even with the many years I have spent performing ...

Here Comes the Sun

Hello again, I would like to start by thanking everybody who reached out to me last week. Especially those who shared having similar experiences growing up. It makes a person realize that they shouldn't feel ashamed over but they've been through since other people can relate to it. but here I go, stating the obvious again. This past week I had much more time on my hands, and for the most part that was a good thing. I did find myself overthinking or going into a negative pattern with all the empty space around me. It is very symbolic of somebody's passing. You go to a place or enter a room that the person that is no longer with us once occupied and there is this ominously empty feeling it goes along with what you see there. Especially if a person had died suddenly. I was really mindful of this after seeing the scene in "the Men with" Marlon Brando (his first starring role infact), which was set in a VA Hospital and one of the guys there went in for a ...

Finding My Way!

Hello all, as I stated in my last entry I've noticed how important consistency is. I have even started to perform some of the songs I mentioned in the past weeks on Facebook live, as well as on Twitter. I did notice that I received some feedback from some very unlikely places. And I do appreciate anyone who stops in and takes a listen, whether you leave a comment or not. I am also looking forward to continuing with my Web Series , even though I haven't posted any videos in a few weeks. I've just mainly been checking out what some of the other content creators on YouTube have been doing and supporting their channels. After all, not only do I hope they reciprocate but I do you know that I can learn a great deal more from them as well as having a fun time chatting online with people. Especially since it's about two very interesting topics, True Crime and Cobra Kai. The title of this piece may imply that I have everything all figured out and there's not much more...

Nobody's fault but mine

Well it looks like I almost did it again, and notice I said almost. You see,I almost let an entire week go by without putting up another entry. Yes I'm aware that Tuesday was the anniversary of the September 11th attacks. And what made it even worse was when it happened in 2011, it was in fact on a Tuesday. So for myself and I'm sure many others, the day was very sad with an almost draining vibe to it. I don't have any colorful story of the day to share or anyone that I was very close with passed away so I felt it was best to steer clear of the topic on that day. With the exception of posting a general memorial to those who died that day and I also posted the favorite song of a family friend who we lost that day. In loving Memory of Mike "Buddy" Zinzi" Learn More In my last post, I mentioned the book that I had let it sit around and collect dust instead of using it to its fullest potential : the Rock/Star Planner And d...

You Can't Please Everyone

Hello everyone, after my last post may have come off at the beginning being downright whiny I decided to put a positive spin on exactly what has been on my mind lately. I have been noticing a decline and the overall camaraderie teamwork not only with and bounds but with other bands themselves. This is probably one of the reasons why one of my most recent shows had very poor attendance, Which at this stage of the game for me is downright embarrassing. I didn't think playing on an off night would be a total deterrent for everybody. Especially since other bands have been able to draw at this particular events. And I'm sure if this was a bigger national touring acts, the charges triple or quadruple of who have been able to draw at this particular events. And I'm sure if this was a bigger national touring acts, the charges triple or quadruple of why our door cover most people wouldn't care and they be even taking pictures i'm going live on Facebook to brag about ...

The Vicious Circle

I took the name of a Facebook group that I joined for the title of this post. I believe the group deals with ranting, but I realized that ranting takes away from the time needed to become successful. However, we all do it from time to time so here is the link to that group if you feel the need to do so. The one good thing about a rant is that many people can relate to do it. For those of you that are linked to my Facebook and Twitter accounts, you may noticed that I created my catchphrase for the most dreaded day of the week, Monday. I figured, we have "Feel good Friday" and "Throwback Thursday" why not "Bitch and Moan Monday"? Come on you know we all do it, so feel free to post it but make sure you include these hashtags: #BMM #ihatemondays #mondayssuck. The Vicious Circle I am referring to is that which as artists we must be a part of. My last few posts focused on learning how the music business operates,putting out and promoting a professiona...


In music, everyone will point out your flaws, unless you are the Rolling Stones After my last post, I noticed that I didnā€™t get much response from people as some of my previous posts. Even with a video,and it being my Birthday. But, I did realize that in my hast to not waste my day as I rushed off to see the Hangover 3 that I made several grammatical and typographical errors. Which brings me to my topic of choice, Failure .I really was shocked that some of my regular readers did not even comment. However, as stated previously I made many errors and looked at what I created in the eyes of a first time reader. Some one who was careless enough to not examine his work and present it in an orderly fashion shouldnā€™t expect to be taken seriously(from now on I will be even more meticulous when it comes to my final edit,lesson learned). As far as my regular readers, many people are away,planning trips and what not. You can never let one flop be your last post,last album,show,whatev...