
Showing posts with the label movies

A Writer Writes, Always

Hello again everybody, for this entry I'm going to have the theme be around a movie for a change. Actually, one scene from a movie in particular that stuck out my mind after the events of the past few weeks. It's from a movie called "Throw Momma from the Train" starring Billy Crystal and Danny DeVito . It wasn't the most colorful line from this scene, or even the title of the clip that I found on YouTube. Yet, from my perspective it was the most powerful message from the whole thing : "a writer writes, always" . This can be interpreted several different ways, but for myself I saw this as not allowing anything to get in the way of my writing. I must admit that I had stumbled upon these words, as they were said as a closing statement by Billy Crystal's character who is teaching a creative writing class. Of course most of this scene was meant to be a joke at the expense of a man in the class that mostly had sex on the brain (you'll se...

a look at the Halloween season with interview from Scream Queen Genoveva Rossi

Hello everyone, Yes I should have posted this a few days ago. But at least we still are reeling from all the Halloween excitement, well I know I am. It seems like Halloween comes and goes so fast and we never get to do everything we had planned for. Didn't go to enough parties,didn't eat enough candy,didn't go to enough places to pick pumpkins and apples, or Didn't watch enough Horror movies. It has always interested me as to how the movies in general come to life, the story, the production, the casting and how the actors came to be. A few years ago I was given the chance to see a movie come to life as it was being made. Some friends of mine created a film called "Jack O' Slasher" and I was given a small part in the film. Even though it was an independent production, It was like just like what I heard being on a Hollywood movie set would be like. Getting into costume,preparing mentally,snacking,and hours of hanging out getting to know the other pe...


In music, everyone will point out your flaws, unless you are the Rolling Stones After my last post, I noticed that I didnā€™t get much response from people as some of my previous posts. Even with a video,and it being my Birthday. But, I did realize that in my hast to not waste my day as I rushed off to see the Hangover 3 that I made several grammatical and typographical errors. Which brings me to my topic of choice, Failure .I really was shocked that some of my regular readers did not even comment. However, as stated previously I made many errors and looked at what I created in the eyes of a first time reader. Some one who was careless enough to not examine his work and present it in an orderly fashion shouldnā€™t expect to be taken seriously(from now on I will be even more meticulous when it comes to my final edit,lesson learned). As far as my regular readers, many people are away,planning trips and what not. You can never let one flop be your last post,last album,show,whatev...

The power of Music

ā€œWithout music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paidā€-Frank Zappa Hello, I know it has been sometime since my last post. After posting my first video in a blog, I wanted to give people sometime to soak that one in. Even though I know many of you do not play an instrument. This video was shown to co workers and many admitted that it seemed almost alien to them. Nevertheless, I will make more in the future & this entry has its own video as well. I did want to touch a bit of the reality of being a musician.This is one of the most misunderstood professions in existence. People often depict a musician as arrogant, yet expandable at the same time. I recall once I was in training class at my job with some guys that were a bit younger than me, pretty straight laced,car enthusiasts types from the suburbs. I remember one of them talking about a friend who was involved with a Girl who's Father was a decorated W...