
Showing posts with the label The Wonder Years

The Wonder Years : Revisiting the past for one night that will be remembered forever

Hello All, This post is dedicated to my friends, classmates and teachers from Ridgefield Park Class of 1994 For those of you who donā€™t know, I write a weekly blog post about life and stories as musician with some music facts. I usually start with a paragraph like the next one youā€™re about to read(unless you find this one too corny and say ā€œFuck thisā€lol) You are welcome to continue to read on and share with anyone you like and feel free to read my Inagrual Post . Iā€™m sure by now we all back to our routines and this past weekend is yet another great moment in time we can look back on fondly. However, for myself personally I found it to be a really enriching experience that helped me look at my preset life with more perspective. A lot has been going on lately, and I donā€™t just mean my ability to keep this updated on a consistent basis. After last week Itā€™s safe to say, Iā€™ve covered the topics of when to speak and when to listen. But I should point out...

Tell me what you want

Please See this link and find out how you can help save lives Hello all, please don't let Uncle Sam make assume what this is about. Because this is NOT by any means a political post. Many of you know that I never post about that topic,but still just needed to inform you. After my last entry I decided to pause for a little while in hopes that what I was saying would seep into the hearts and minds of those willing to listen. Not to mention, even though we've been inundated with plenty of updates and theories since then, what I spoke about previously is still a current topic. This is easier said than done of course, but instead of allowing what's going on in the world and everyone's opposing views to suppress me, I chose to take a chance at gaining some new momentum. Even though we are all in this together, which has even become sort of a slogan it's quite obvious that people deal with this very differently based on their own personal experiences. I for ...