
Showing posts with the label Jimmy gnecco


Hello All, I figured I would start the New Year off right by doing a follow up to my last entry sooner than later. No this isnā€™t a New Yearā€™s resolution or some New year, new me crap that we all loathe. I just think that after all time writing (and not writing) I should keep going. Besides like I mentioned in my last entry, sometimes time away is often needed to stay strong and effective. In these past few months, I have been thinking about quite a few topics to write about. Some of these are things that I have were ideas the moment they had happened. The last time I wrote I was mostly talking about things that seemed to be missing, hence the title The Big Empty . I reeled myself back in for a few reasons. One of which being that ā€œif you focus on lack you attract more lackā€ thank you Robert Zink for making me aware of that. I didnā€™t want it to seem like a year in review type thing. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve done that already. Besides,...

The Musical Artist's Survival Guide Part 3: Touring

In my last entry this was one the things I didn't mention about promoting an album, well this and the importance of making a video (mainly because I assumed most bands have videos on you tube of performance and regular MTV style music videos). Touring is a very necessary and effective way for bands to build a more solid fan base and insure that album sales will increase, if done correctly and effectively. Many bands have an unenthusiastic opinion about touring or unrealistic expectations. First off the word "Tour" doesn't necessarily mean 3 months out on the road packed in a van, but it can mean that. You can actually take trips to separate cities and come home each time and consider that a tour too. Either way the goal is to play in as many different cities as you can in order to strengthen your fan base and album sales. But of course it is wise to KNOW YOUR LIMITATIONS in this case it pertains to how many places you can afford to travel to with your budget and...

A personal message from Nate

Hello, Previously I was using this blog to inform people about news on the band such as events, release and what not. I figured I would change it up a bit and write about some personal experiences, both related to the band as well stuff that has happened to me in my personal life that I figured people would enjoy reading. Perhaps I will just start by giving a bit of background. I grew up in a small town in New Jersey called Ridgefield Park. For most of my childhood I was shuffled in & out of schools outside of my town and it kind of made me feel out place with the other kids. But, I did get to meet people from other towns which was cool and some of these people I still talk to. I think the first song I remember hearing was "Imagine" by John Lennon and I became fan of Black Sabbath by no choice of my own. I recall my Uncle and his friends hanging out in the garage chanting "Generals gathered in their masses" in unison and I ended buying a copy of thei...