
Showing posts with the label gratitude


Hello All, I figured I would start the New Year off right by doing a follow up to my last entry sooner than later. No this isnā€™t a New Yearā€™s resolution or some New year, new me crap that we all loathe. I just think that after all time writing (and not writing) I should keep going. Besides like I mentioned in my last entry, sometimes time away is often needed to stay strong and effective. In these past few months, I have been thinking about quite a few topics to write about. Some of these are things that I have were ideas the moment they had happened. The last time I wrote I was mostly talking about things that seemed to be missing, hence the title The Big Empty . I reeled myself back in for a few reasons. One of which being that ā€œif you focus on lack you attract more lackā€ thank you Robert Zink for making me aware of that. I didnā€™t want it to seem like a year in review type thing. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve done that already. Besides,...

Stand by Me

Hello everyone, my apologies for my absence this past week. Sometimes a much-needed pause is necessary. More accurately, reflecting back and being that my birthday is coming up this Monday it's naturally the time to do so. Even though I have referenced this film and the main character's perspective before, this look into this great piece of work (and each form of media it's represented in) is not redundant. I am in no way looking to lose the momentum I have gained this year with consistent entries. I just needed a short breather, it happens. After all, we are human and if the events of this past year-and-a-half haven't taught us that then I don't think anything will. But then again, who am I to ponder what is or isn't or what may or may not happen. All I can really speak of accurately are the things I have seen, experienced and felt. And if there's one thing that the story that inspired the entry taught me, is that our words weaken ...

Here Comes the Sun

Hello again, I would like to start by thanking everybody who reached out to me last week. Especially those who shared having similar experiences growing up. It makes a person realize that they shouldn't feel ashamed over but they've been through since other people can relate to it. but here I go, stating the obvious again. This past week I had much more time on my hands, and for the most part that was a good thing. I did find myself overthinking or going into a negative pattern with all the empty space around me. It is very symbolic of somebody's passing. You go to a place or enter a room that the person that is no longer with us once occupied and there is this ominously empty feeling it goes along with what you see there. Especially if a person had died suddenly. I was really mindful of this after seeing the scene in "the Men with" Marlon Brando (his first starring role infact), which was set in a VA Hospital and one of the guys there went in for a ...

You Got It : How Taking a step back can help you move forward

Hello all, I just wanted to share something that happened yesterday and my thoughts about it. Today started out pretty much like any other weekday, I had to get up early and go to my day job (yes us ambitious types still call it that regardless of how much they pay or how old we are) even though I'm not a morning person I trained myself to look forward to everything that's in store for me throughout the day and of course remembering to be grateful that I am even here to do so. Pretty much a quiet day, didn't really hear from any of my friends even though I had plenty to say. I know that most people are unable to talk during the day but I was able to reach out to a select few just to check in and see how they were doing. I know for me (especially what all that's going on these days) that goes along way to know someone was thinking of me and decided to time out of their day to reach out to me. This wasn't the point I was trying to get at but i...