Can't Stop, Won't Stop : a Celebration of Imbolg

Hello again, If you've been reading you know that this is my first entry of 2021. I was very flattered by the reaction I got from those who read my last entry , and for that I'm very grateful. I think it's odd at this stage of the game I have to constantly remind myself to be grateful. Life is much easier when you are Oh, but I'll talk more about that later. Recently I've learned to dial back my involvement on social media. I mainly just to post some things that I've been promoting or stuff to make others laugh . I've seen what a cesspool it has become and I see it being extremely pointless to engage in an argument with somebody who cannot agree to disagree. It's very bad for the soul . I'm a firm believer That Any time away from your place of business or running errands Should be utilized for relaxation and enjoyment at the very least (cue up the theme from Cheers). Why waste that time arguing with people that you barely know or putting som...