
Showing posts with the label album

No Eternal Reward Will Forgive Us Now For Wasting The Dawn

Hello Everyone, This is technically my 100th entry. Although originally I created this blog to promote shows and other news about my band. So officially about another 25 posts or so will be the 100th entry where I'm actually writing. which will probably only be a few more months from now, if by then you haven't gotten sick of coming here and reading what I have to say of course. Either way, thank you in advance it's much appreciated. Even with all the years I've put into this, I'm still learning and trying to find ways to gain more readers and visibility. The point is, we should always be looking to improve things and moving to the next step. As I've said before in some way or the other, for an ambitious person being content his death. it's okay to be proud of what you've done so far, but there's always something we can learn and improve upon and I shouldn't be viewed as a burden. Even with the many years I have spent performing ...

Pagan-Inspired Musical Collective IMBOLG Reveals New Video for ā€œRed Devilā€ from The Sorrows Album

via Adrenaline PR Latest News :   PAGAN-INSPIRED MUSICAL COLLECTIVE IMBOLG REVEALS NEW VIDEO FOR ā€œRED DEVILā€ FROM THE SORROWS ALBUM   Watch ā€œRed Devil,ā€ Featuring Pro Wrestler Tracy Wayne Gacy   New York City pagan-inspired musical collective IMBOLG has released a new video for ā€œRed Devilā€ from the groupā€™s sophomore album, The Sorrows. Filmed at Smash studios in NYC with Derek Soto of Sinestra Studios, ā€œRed Devilā€ features an appearance by model and professional wrestler Tracy Wayne Gacy . Watch the video now at . ā€œThe tone of the video is set in line with the lyrics,ā€ says vocalist/guitarist Nate Dal Cais. ā€œIt describes the desire for a woman referred to as ā€˜Red Devil,ā€™ who appears dancing and gazing into the camera to solidify the concept of her being the muse.ā€ Founded by Dal Cais, the goth-pagan metal band is named after the late winter Celtic pagan holiday also known as Candlemas. IMBOLGā€™s distinctive st...

Imbolg debuts at #36 on the U.S. Top 50 Metal Contraband Radio Charts

Thank you to Metal Contraband & WMFR's Metal Fortress Radio for making this happen. We hope to continue to work alongside both companies as we continue to climb the charts! I should also mention that Imbolg was also #6 in the top 10 most added to radio stations last week. And also a big thank you to Munsey Ricci from Skateboard Marketing for making this all happen. Please check some stations** below to find out what stations play our music and how you can request it. PLEASE NOTE : Programming times & days vary due to many of these being college or community stations. Also, most stations can also be heard online thru the TUNE-IN app or by visiting the station's webpages which have been embedded in their respective call letters. **A complete list of stations is available to our street team only, for more information on how to join please email : foreverautumnrecords[@] WIOX 91.3 FM Roxbury,NY In Goth We Trust Thursdays 10PM-Midnight 607 326-3900...


Hello again everyone. Now that I'm back into the full swing of things, it seems pretty ridiculous that I took such a long break from blogging. Recently I've been trying to finish up a lot of tasks that have been stockpiling up by simply not overthinking and diving in little by little to get what I need get done. After completing a few things, I couldn't believe that these things have just been sitting around not finished for so long. Some of the stuff included re-doing the band's online merchandise store to showcase some stuff like new shirts, phone cases, etc that have our new album cover printed on it. My main deterrent was the fact that I started doing this a few months ago absent mindedly placing our new album cover on the merchandise before it was actually finalized to include the album title at the bottom. You see, these little things create lots of mental clutter that kept me from making the merchandise available to people. But this was just one of severa...

You Can't Please Everyone

Hello everyone, after my last post may have come off at the beginning being downright whiny I decided to put a positive spin on exactly what has been on my mind lately. I have been noticing a decline and the overall camaraderie teamwork not only with and bounds but with other bands themselves. This is probably one of the reasons why one of my most recent shows had very poor attendance, Which at this stage of the game for me is downright embarrassing. I didn't think playing on an off night would be a total deterrent for everybody. Especially since other bands have been able to draw at this particular events. And I'm sure if this was a bigger national touring acts, the charges triple or quadruple of who have been able to draw at this particular events. And I'm sure if this was a bigger national touring acts, the charges triple or quadruple of why our door cover most people wouldn't care and they be even taking pictures i'm going live on Facebook to brag about ...

The Good Ole Days may not return

Hello everyone, at this point it wouldn't even be redundant to say I'm sorry that I haven't blogged in a while. It's nearly downright embarrassing that I haven't. Especially since this is the longest I have gone without making a new post. Ironically enough, I was planning on doing this post almost a year ago. So obviously a lot has gone on between now and then. We recently released a new album called "the Sorrows" and we've already done three out of town trips to perform. In the interim, we have parted ways with some bandmembers and gain new ones. One of which literally risked life and limb on one of the tours. The actions of our new drummer, Kenn Holley who came in literally one week before we were going to go out on the road are the complete opposite of the title of this post. I'm sure many of you recognize the title as a line from a song by The late great Tom Petty . He was certainly onto something, and that's not the only re...

Life Lessons from the Miner

A mutual friend had told me that Dean was about to start promoting his new solo project, along with their debut album "Life Lessons" and his new company: "Plan 916" where with the help of Owner Matt Kustom he has developed his own signature guitar pickups. This prompted me to listen to his new album and get some insight into how he formed this new project and his history as a musician Brandishing a persona that appears to be a hybrid of Johnny Depp and Stone Cold Steve Austin who happens to know how to shred on guitar, Dean has been performing live since 2002 with his first band,which was formed in the previous year: Eyeless ,and then with Deathstick,Verfallen and Salvage . He then went onto tour with more notable acts like: The Independents,Black Cat Attack and Darrow Chemical Company and currently is a member of Darkness Descends and Children of October ,and surprisingly a Hip Hip act known as the Draf and Retro Glam . However, "Life Lesso...

Back with a Bang! featuring an interview with Michale Graves

Hello everyone. I would like to say that it is great to be back blogging. And as the title suggests, what better way to comeback than to interview Ex-Misfits Singer Michale Graves while on his "When Worlds Collide" tour. The tour has not come through my town yet,but the last time I saw him perform was at a show that I had the distinct privilege of opening up for him. The energy from Michale and his band that night was unprecedented. I was able to get in touch with Michale while he is out on tour and this is what he had to say: Nate: How did you first discover your love of music? Michale: My home growing up in New Jersey was filled with music ā€“ classic rock n roll, early punk and big voices like Sinatra and Elvis Nate: How did you develop the Michale Graves image and persona? Michale: I had been interested in the theater for years ā€“ in front of and behind the curtain. Over the years I have evolved both the voice and my make-up ā€“ to now what we call the ā€œSkel...

Symbolism: An exclusive Interview with up and coming Artist Justin Symbol

Hello all, I know it's been ages since I have posted. However, I'm sure we can all agree that it has been a long cold winter and for many reasons I needed to stay dormant and step away for a bit(I will elaborate further in another post).Anyway, I am a fan coming back in a big way and I thought that writing a post about one of the best new artists around would be the perfect opportunity to do so. I am speaking about none other than Justin Symbol . It has been great to watch Justin come into his own over the past few years, sharing the stage with him and trading ideas with him has been a true blessing for me and I hope more artists have the same rapport and support for one another that Justin and I have. I chose to name this interview "Symbolism" because of the religious cult like fanaticism that his fans(more commonly known as Fuckheads ) have taken to Justin and his music. Please enjoy and I hope this gives both his current fans and those who just discovered his...

Most likely the MOST messed up band story you'll ever hear

Hello everyone. I know it's been nearly a month since my last entry. I have finally finished the Imbolg album. It is a great weight off my shoulders. Now I have plenty of work to do to promote the album and get the band back out performing shows. This has also meant that I am no longer working with the band Of beauty and Madness . As many of you know our lives have many turning points and things sometimes "run there course". However, it always best to see this early on and try to settle matters civilly as I had attempted to. Unfortunately, we have no control over the actions of others and my former partner at Forever Autumn Records and band mate grew to resent me due to his lack of time and inability to accomplish the things we had set forth to do together. I found myself taking on more responsibilities than I had bargained for and my efforts were unappreciated by all who are in the band, simply because they have never been in a band where two members are seasoned ...

Wishful, Sinful: with updates on Forever Autumn Records and the new Of Beauty and Madness album, Litany

Greetings people. With the warm-er weather now here(finally) it is harder to sit down and write on a Saturday, which is usually when I do it. However, I had plenty of work to do with the upcoming re-release of the Imbolg album and the release from Of Beauty and Madness , titled Litany . For a long time I have been focusing on my own band and felt that I would not be able to devote the proper attention to another musical project, however this has taught me a lot about the dynamics of being a part of a band, as a member and not being the leader. I must say in some ways it is a relief to not have that burden on my shoulders. Even with the process of getting this album ready, I saw how much of a well oiled machine a band can be. We had a friend create the album artwork,we designed the rest,with the exception of a photo taken by another friend. We placed the order for the cds and distribution, and fortunately one band member lives close enough to Discmakers and was able to pick the ...

No Man is an Island

Hello everyone, I know that I have been absent for awhile now. But in the midst of this incredibly long winter(that is officially over and refuses to die) It has been hard to go out and enjoy life, write or perform. Although I did manage to perform recently with my Bass player, Lynn Haze at the Dorian Gray party here in NYC(see pic below). I have been busy finishing up two releases, and a long work project so that I can fund the things I love doing. Not to mention the Indie Gogo campaign we created has been keeping me occupied. Like anything else it has been an uphill battle and in hindsight I wish I had done more research before beginning the campaign. However, We are still struggling to make our goal and those who donate will receive perks such as downloads, keychains that our bass player Lynn Haze is making custom, and the most popular perk : pre-ordered copies of albums from Imbolg and Of Beauty and Madness . You can find out more about our campaign and how you can contribute ...

the Musical Artist's Survival Guide Part 2: Releasing your album

I trust that most of you read my last post, so I decided to keep going with this format so that those who brains didn't melt yet could read on. Believe me, I know there is a lot to know and go over beyond songwriting and performance and even if you are the guy in the band that says "they just tell me when to show up and I do" you should inform yourself about the business side. It is not easy even with the advances in technology allowing for the informed to be their own manager/booking agent/record label. Obviously when you are releasing your own album you want to make that you make it sound and look as professional as possible. However this goes beyond the quality of the actual recording and artwork. I thought that this would be best in a Question and Answer format: How do we get our cds made professionally? Your cds need to be replicated and not duplicated The difference is a duplicated cd is like a cdr burned on your computer. These work well and can be sold, h...