
Showing posts with the label songs

One Little Victory

Hello everyone, Iā€™m sure some of you are in shock that Iā€™ve actually been consistent. I find it necessary to keep on going and sharing my experiences. no matter how mundane or subpar they maybe to some. But I hope that some of you can relate to these, or that the inspire you to make a positive change. As we know this past week, we experienced an earthquake and an eclipse on the East Coast. Iā€™m sure many are scrambling around, thinking that this has to be some big coincidence and things are going to start getting worse. Thatā€™s just the fear that I warned you about last week. Just ask yourself, donā€™t you think weā€™ve been through the worst already? I sure think so. Not only did the events of the past four years and many lives, But they have changed pretty much everyone who has survived. I watch people that once had strong bonds being torn apart by their conflicting views. Which isnā€™t anything new, Think of how many families donā€™t speak over politics. And like Iā€™ve always ...

The Tides

Hello, in my last entry it may have insinuated that I found it easy to overcome some of the mental health issues that were either pre-existing or happened to develop during the pandemic. anything that goes untreated is going to become worse and you will not simply go away overnight. So even if it's so you can do I encourage people to just do one small thing in the direction towards recovery. Even researching where to find counseling is something. We are all aware of how the mind works, so what I am going to speak about will certainly not come as a shock to most people. This week I suffered a loss in my immediate family. For my own reasons, I would like to keep some details private. I was not close with this person, even though they helped raise me. When they were at their best of course. Even with all the bad things that transpired their was some good. For the most part everyone has some good in them if you look hard enough. We would talk about music, like most people in tha...

Holy Ireland

Hello everyone, before I get started I just want to let you know that despite the name of this entry, this is not a religious post. You'll see why I did this, I always explain. may have noticed the change in the appearance here. And I did have to include some ads, just so I can keep this running. unfortunately that's how things are these days. In order to keep at something there has to be some sort of money flow. Although when I started writing I'm here many years ago, it was not my intent nor did I have any knowledge being able to make money from this. By you doing so, not having to rely on other sources of income as to free up my time to focus on projects like this that I enjoy doing. A major goal for Me personally. I mean, who wants to be stuck doing something you dislike or working at a place that has the ability to let you go at any time? But many of us have been programmed to believe this is the only option we have in order to survive. survive as an e...

You Got It : How Taking a step back can help you move forward

Hello all, I just wanted to share something that happened yesterday and my thoughts about it. Today started out pretty much like any other weekday, I had to get up early and go to my day job (yes us ambitious types still call it that regardless of how much they pay or how old we are) even though I'm not a morning person I trained myself to look forward to everything that's in store for me throughout the day and of course remembering to be grateful that I am even here to do so. Pretty much a quiet day, didn't really hear from any of my friends even though I had plenty to say. I know that most people are unable to talk during the day but I was able to reach out to a select few just to check in and see how they were doing. I know for me (especially what all that's going on these days) that goes along way to know someone was thinking of me and decided to time out of their day to reach out to me. This wasn't the point I was trying to get at but i...

You Can't Please Everyone

Hello everyone, after my last post may have come off at the beginning being downright whiny I decided to put a positive spin on exactly what has been on my mind lately. I have been noticing a decline and the overall camaraderie teamwork not only with and bounds but with other bands themselves. This is probably one of the reasons why one of my most recent shows had very poor attendance, Which at this stage of the game for me is downright embarrassing. I didn't think playing on an off night would be a total deterrent for everybody. Especially since other bands have been able to draw at this particular events. And I'm sure if this was a bigger national touring acts, the charges triple or quadruple of who have been able to draw at this particular events. And I'm sure if this was a bigger national touring acts, the charges triple or quadruple of why our door cover most people wouldn't care and they be even taking pictures i'm going live on Facebook to brag about ...

Back with a Bang! featuring an interview with Michale Graves

Hello everyone. I would like to say that it is great to be back blogging. And as the title suggests, what better way to comeback than to interview Ex-Misfits Singer Michale Graves while on his "When Worlds Collide" tour. The tour has not come through my town yet,but the last time I saw him perform was at a show that I had the distinct privilege of opening up for him. The energy from Michale and his band that night was unprecedented. I was able to get in touch with Michale while he is out on tour and this is what he had to say: Nate: How did you first discover your love of music? Michale: My home growing up in New Jersey was filled with music ā€“ classic rock n roll, early punk and big voices like Sinatra and Elvis Nate: How did you develop the Michale Graves image and persona? Michale: I had been interested in the theater for years ā€“ in front of and behind the curtain. Over the years I have evolved both the voice and my make-up ā€“ to now what we call the ā€œSkel...

Steady is the course

Hello again, I'm sure most of you that live in places the have seasons are already braving the cold or may have come down with one already. This time of year just sneaks up on us. Not to mention having the Holidays and the pressure to spend being forced on you. And of course all those Christmas songs, which I'm sure you have heard so many times that you may have created your own parodies of. After all " its the most annoying time of the year " lol. It is nice to spend time with family and friends during this time and celebrate after working all year. But the cold weather does make us more run down, unmotivated and more prone to over eat. A few things that are poison to anybody that is trying to focus on being successful in any field, especially in music. I decided to post this entry since this time of year is an easy one for us to lose focus on working towards our goals. Many work overtime if they are stuck in retail, and not to mention the music industry does...

The Vicious Circle

I took the name of a Facebook group that I joined for the title of this post. I believe the group deals with ranting, but I realized that ranting takes away from the time needed to become successful. However, we all do it from time to time so here is the link to that group if you feel the need to do so. The one good thing about a rant is that many people can relate to do it. For those of you that are linked to my Facebook and Twitter accounts, you may noticed that I created my catchphrase for the most dreaded day of the week, Monday. I figured, we have "Feel good Friday" and "Throwback Thursday" why not "Bitch and Moan Monday"? Come on you know we all do it, so feel free to post it but make sure you include these hashtags: #BMM #ihatemondays #mondayssuck. The Vicious Circle I am referring to is that which as artists we must be a part of. My last few posts focused on learning how the music business operates,putting out and promoting a professiona...

Whats next?

Hello all, I should be focusing on the fact that in a few hours I will be seeing one of my biggest musical influences live. I have seen them before, with original drummer Bill Ward. And yes, I am one of these people that get bent out of shape when a reunion is missing one member(maybe its just an OCD tendency,idk). By now you should have guessed that I am going to see Black Sabbath . So here I am putting on a You Tube playlist of songs from Sabbath(yes in hopes that it will help me get through this entry) recalling stories of how they wrote some of their albums in the studio and came up with one of their most popular songs, Paranoid on a whim only because they had an extra three minutes on the tape to record with. Like I may have stated in older entries, I discover Sabbath as a Child when my Uncle had been listening to them(even admitting to truly subconsciously screw me by putting headphones on me in my sleep lol). Nevertheless, they have been engrained in me and keep me wri...

Approach Anxiety

   This title may suggest that this post is about the feeling a guy or girl has when they approach someone that they are attracted to for the first time hoping to strike up a conversation. But, I'm afraid it is not about that for the most part. I am speaking mainly about trying to learn a new song that someone else has written. This can also help those that are thinking of picking up an instrument for the first time. One of the hardest things I have noticed with my students was that they are not used to having guitar playing as part of their everyday routine and hence they don't practice as much.Or they become frustrated early on that they don't know many songs. But the more you pratice, the better you become and the easier it will become to learn songs(sometimes,it happens by accident just from fiddling around,the start of learning a song by ear-no sheet music or instruction needed)Many people sometimes hear a song on the radio & are so intimidated by the artist...


I decided to take a few days off my "real job", I was planning on taking just today. But after a very unfair situation that cost me a promotion, I decided to take a few days to recharge, handling the stock pile of work that has been building up and prepare for the re-release of our album this Fall. I would have enjoyed making more money and being more stable, but not at the expense of creating words and music. I feel that after the all the years I have put ino creating this music, I need to bring it to the next level no matter who or what is holding me back.Especially after I learned the business side(partly thanks to my High school music teachers who hosted seminars in house with industry professionals). But, I didn't stop there. I have done lots of research, read many books on the business, and I always keep an open mind to new trends. More of this will be included in future blogs. So I decided to try and make some order of all the video I have captured over th...

The power of Music

ā€œWithout music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paidā€-Frank Zappa Hello, I know it has been sometime since my last post. After posting my first video in a blog, I wanted to give people sometime to soak that one in. Even though I know many of you do not play an instrument. This video was shown to co workers and many admitted that it seemed almost alien to them. Nevertheless, I will make more in the future & this entry has its own video as well. I did want to touch a bit of the reality of being a musician.This is one of the most misunderstood professions in existence. People often depict a musician as arrogant, yet expandable at the same time. I recall once I was in training class at my job with some guys that were a bit younger than me, pretty straight laced,car enthusiasts types from the suburbs. I remember one of them talking about a friend who was involved with a Girl who's Father was a decorated W...

My new speciality : Vegetable salad (and how it helps me write music)

Yet again, another off shoot from my Facebook . I just decided to make this for myself on the weekend as part of my Saturday afternoon ritual & I have been perfecting it over the months. After I saw all the likes and comments(especially from the Ladies) I figure I would share it. I never thought that the old saying would now have people going around saying "the way to a Woman's heart is through Her Stomach" . Putting some thought into this, I think that cooking is a good practice for musicians to explore. I have noticed it is similar to songwriting(well for me anyway). I have found recipes online and followed them to a tee,much like my ideas on how I envision a song I am in the process of writing to sound when the recording is finalized. However, after making a dish a few times, I end up adding, altering or taking out something to my liking. Much like I do when honing a song from an idea on paper,to a demo & into a finished song. This time of year many peop...

We want to put you on our Album

We are currently in the process of recording our album(about half way done) We need your help to finish our release & we want to make a part of it. More details here Also, get more up to the minute news about the band by Liking us on Facebook And be sure to Follow us on Twitter

We are now on iTunes

The first single from our debut album is now on sale for 99 cents Click here to preview & purchase it today

Imbolg Releases Debut Single: "Duisigh(Awaken)

Imbolg, a New York City based band has just released their first single: "Duisigh(Awaken)" which will be included on their upcoming full length release through song title itself was chosen by founding member and singer/guitarist Nate Dal Cais having been influenced by his Irish heritage. Duisigh is a Gaelic which means awaken. The group has been performing throughout the Northeast over the past few years receiving notoriety for their dark sound and incantation rituals that are conducted before each of their performances. Having recently been featured in Goth music reviewer/Author Mick Mercer's new book "Music to Die for" and making headway globally with the advent of social networking and music based webpages, the group is planning on performing in other regions of the U.S. this year. Their shows sometimes feature a promotion with the ghoulishly famous manufacturer of musical instruments cases;" Coffin Case" that the group has been...

Help spread the word about Imbolg & win prizes

To all Fans, join us on this new page we created. It is designed to help spread the word about the band, and by doing so you can win prizes and you will also be helping us play more shows in your area as well.