
Showing posts with the label romance

A Summer to Remember (Better late than Never)

Hello everybody, Last year I did an end of the summer post and I didn't want to create a carbon copy of that. And yes I know it is October. However, after looking back at the Summer of 2014 this entry will be not be a mere Summer recap post. I don't even know where to begin to describe what I expected to happen, what did happen and how it changed me forever. For a very long time I have been suffering from many personal demons including anger,depression,hopelessness and abandonment. Topped with the pressures of everyday life and trying to keep a band moving it can be quite taxing. Luckily, I allowed myself to loosen the grip on how I felt things should be and learned to "go with the flow" a bit. With the help of a few great friends that I had made recently I learned that I need to put these bad traits behind me and I can't thank them enough for helping me change for the better. Yet I know that I still have much to learn and that my personal evolution has just ...

There is a Song for any occasion

After my last blog post I started thinking how there is a song that can fit almost any situation. If you read that post you would know that it was no laughing matter. However, another choice song to post may have been: Into the great wide open by Tom Petty . It much like the song from The Byrds : Turn,Turn,Turn , with the words taken from the Bible : to everything turn,turn,turn, there is a season. I know most of you probably know the rest but, it basically states that there is a time for everything. I'm sure we have all been to enough Weddings, Birthdays, and various joyous occasions to have heard Kool & the Gang's Celebration more times than we can count. I didnā€™t want to come right out and make it obvious this was a farewell to summer entry. I was even worried that naming this entry "There is a Song for every Season", fearing that I may give it away. I think most of us are in denial about or just sad to see it go. On the other hand, I'm sure m...

Memory from a lifetime ago at Albion

I figured you may enjoy reading some of poetry,and knowing a lighter side of me,here it goes I walked slowly(or so it seemed) to the main floor,I surveyed the space around me,right to left as i walked.Then on my left out of all the darkness,a hand comes out and goes down across this women's face as she is dancing. I immediately turned to her direction as if i were drawn in magnetically to her field. As I did everything seemed to be slower,and someone in all white crossed by between us and then faded out of view.I paid no mind as I mimicked her hand movements as she brought her right hand down to her side,we then locked hands as she grabbed me to draw me in closer and kissed me. That is how I found her, again.