
Showing posts with the label With a Little Help from My Friends

With a Little Help from My Friends

Hello All, I would like to thank everybody that took the time to read my post from last week . I was truly unaware I wasnā€™t the only one that was having anxious feelings upon our upcoming high school reunion. And Iā€™m glad that we were all able to overcome that and have a good night to remember. Like many other issues that troubles our lives, they are often easier to overcome when you discover other people better dealing with the same problems. After all, the feeling of isolation or lack of understanding only compounds a problem. So ā€œstrength in numbersā€ as they say. Iā€™m still amazed by the fact that, despite all the time that has passed and how we have gone our separate ways, so many of us were in the same place mentally. Maybe this is because we all started off in the same place. Who knows? But I do know that it for me it was not only a great time, but a real eye opener about life in general. I maybe acting a bit dramatic here or taken by how wonderful the reuni...