Stand by Me

Hello everyone, my apologies for my absence this past week. Sometimes a much-needed pause is necessary. More accurately, reflecting back and being that my birthday is coming up this Monday it's naturally the time to do so. Even though I have referenced this film and the main character's perspective before, this look into this great piece of work (and each form of media it's represented in) is not redundant. I am in no way looking to lose the momentum I have gained this year with consistent entries. I just needed a short breather, it happens. After all, we are human and if the events of this past year-and-a-half haven't taught us that then I don't think anything will. But then again, who am I to ponder what is or isn't or what may or may not happen. All I can really speak of accurately are the things I have seen, experienced and felt. And if there's one thing that the story that inspired the entry taught me, is that our words weaken ...