
Showing posts with the label Michael Jackson

Stand by Me

Hello everyone, my apologies for my absence this past week. Sometimes a much-needed pause is necessary. More accurately, reflecting back and being that my birthday is coming up this Monday it's naturally the time to do so. Even though I have referenced this film and the main character's perspective before, this look into this great piece of work (and each form of media it's represented in) is not redundant. I am in no way looking to lose the momentum I have gained this year with consistent entries. I just needed a short breather, it happens. After all, we are human and if the events of this past year-and-a-half haven't taught us that then I don't think anything will. But then again, who am I to ponder what is or isn't or what may or may not happen. All I can really speak of accurately are the things I have seen, experienced and felt. And if there's one thing that the story that inspired the entry taught me, is that our words weaken ...

Here I go again

Hello everyone, Last week I posted my first entry in a very long time. Actually that's really saying it mildly, it's been well over a year. Well, what can you do. As we all know consistency is a key element to success, although we all need a break once and awhile for various reasons. Mine were based on a need to shelter myself from most situations as to better reevaluate certain parts of my life after suffering from PTSD.I also discovered things about myself that Doctors had not been able to detect in all the years that I have been alive, (and I did end up writing some new music that will be released as material for a solo project). Nothing major,so don't worry however that was the case with certain things. Something so minor can affect our decisions and lives so greatly its unbelievable. As I learned in my marketing research: if it works don't change it, if it doesn't let it go. Not always easy when emotions are involved and this can go for business matters...