Steady is the course

Hello again, I'm sure most of you that live in places the have seasons are already braving the cold or may have come down with one already. This time of year just sneaks up on us. Not to mention having the Holidays and the pressure to spend being forced on you. And of course all those Christmas songs, which I'm sure you have heard so many times that you may have created your own parodies of. After all "its the most annoying time of the year" lol. It is nice to spend time with family and friends during this time and celebrate after working all year. But the cold weather does make us more run down, unmotivated and more prone to over eat. A few things that are poison to anybody that is trying to focus on being successful in any field, especially in music.

I decided to post this entry since this time of year is an easy one for us to lose focus on working towards our goals. Many work overtime if they are stuck in retail, and not to mention the music industry does shut down around this time of year (nobody except people releasing Christmas music or Top level artists releasing anything around this time) But this time "down time" is useful as well. Many bands use the cold months to record new material since many people don't go to show during the Winter. Just try to stay focused and keep writing, planning where you would like to tour when the weather is better and so on. If you do NOTHING you become NOTHING.

As you probably already know, this business of making music is very fast paced and requires you to multitask if you want to get anywhere. I've found myself for months on end spearheading a certain thing, and noticing many other aspects of my career in music would suffer. I learned that good planning is key, and for someone who admittedly has A.D.D. it is a challenge. But it is one I am willing to take, after all these tasks are symbiotic and each requires a specific amount of my attention (which is partly why I don't consistently post on a weekly basis, well that and my fear that all of you may get sick of me rambling on all the time). Not to mention this type of organization will help with all aspects of a person's life as well.

As we all know the playing is the root thing we do need to work on, although handling the business side is important as well. And for those of you that play multiple instruments and/or sing as well you are doubling or tripling the workload. For example, I recently wrote and recorded a demo of a new song. Each day I did at least one thing to make the track a finished product. One day I was tweeking sounds on my synth and arranging the song, the next I was programming the drum beat and so on. The point is to keep things moving, the more time you have the more you can do obviously. But if you allow yourself to get sidetracked by the changing seasons or any other distractions you are that less likely to achieve your goals.

I suggest writing down what you are looking to achieve, mark your calendar and make vision board (if you can envision it, you can make it your reality). As you complete each task, make a check mark next to it or scratch it out, I find that to be one of the most enjoyable things about getting stuff done. Try and you'll see what I mean.

Thank you all again for reading, more updates are coming soon. And I'm not a complete Scrooge, I know the Holidays do bring out good in many people. Here is blast from the past when a group of musicians got together for a good cause. Happy Holidays,Nate

And since the song is probably already in your head now, here's the song I was poking at the beginning of this:


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