
All Apologies

Hello once again, I chose this title because of my consistency of being inconsistent. And of course I am sincerely apologetic about it. This year has been extremely rough and the way of suffering so many losses. I would say both personally and professionally, but the people that I have lost in the industry also happened to be personal friends. unfortunately, some of these losses were do to suicide, something that I have found strongly to try and prevent whenever and however I can. It hasn't been easy oh, and I have received some backlash from it. Which, I merely have brushed off as the small side effect. I don't mind somebody being angry towards me if a life has been saved. And, I do regret that I was unable to prevent certain people in my life from taking their own. One of which was somebody that many in New York City and Philadelphia no as DJ Alex Von Nihil , who in the past was featured in this blog during happier times. I truly miss speaking to Alex on occasion about ...

The latest from Me & the Band...

Hi, I know this is Technically "cheating" as in the way of a new blog entry,but it is still new writing. Their will be more, and I did include some updates in this entry included a short video. I just made, and there will be more where that came from. Thanks again for reading, Nate For Immediate Release : On October 1st, Forever Autumn records will be releasing the second album by Imbolg entitled the Sorrows on Vinyl LP. This album will feature a new mix of the single "Red Devil" which was remixed by Jez Ball of Winter's Thrall & formerly Empire Hideous. To accompany this new release, the Sorrows will receive airplay on radio stations throughout the United States and music video releases of the aforementioned "Red Devil" & "Paler Still" as well as some tour dates throughout the Northeastern United States, starting with a performance in Providence, Rhode Island at the Alchemy Club on September 15th. Tour dates in thei...

The Point of No Return

So there I was last week, watching a live stream of a music conference that I must tell you was truly a Godsend. One segment in particular, In which the panelists were speaking about how you can give up your day job and do music full-time. This is been pretty much a lifelong goal of mine and I really wish that I had chosen to be in the company of those who felt this way too. It's a real struggle when you're forced to do something outside of your preferred profession in order to have a roof over your head and food on the table. So, like most people after a certain point many of us just except it as a fact of life and "drink the Kool-Aid" if you will. Sadly enough, it's something I've watched many of my former bandmates do. And in some cases it led them to getting toss the aside bye the employer they showed this loyalty to when they were deemed useless. For me, this journey is a series of "what ifs". What if I choose to do things more indepe...


Hello, so here I am yet again trying to think of a theme that's not going to bore all of you to death. This week was a little more busy for me and I almost found myself making me excuses that normal people usually make as to why they can't do certain things. I'm really glad I didn't fall into that metal trap like most people do. I do admit that being much busier did have an impact on my activity on social media to promote the band and our upcoming show in Salem, MA . But luckily, I figured out how to organize myself a little bit better so that these things don't keep piling up. Here's the flyer and the event link btw. I'm sure it's apparent to most of you by now that one thing I'm referring to is, Change . After all, it's one of the few things that's guaranteed in life. And then when we need it, we choose not to change. I think mostly because, even though a certain situation be it a relationship that has gone sour, a job or living ...

Nobody's fault but mine

Well it looks like I almost did it again, and notice I said almost. You see,I almost let an entire week go by without putting up another entry. Yes I'm aware that Tuesday was the anniversary of the September 11th attacks. And what made it even worse was when it happened in 2011, it was in fact on a Tuesday. So for myself and I'm sure many others, the day was very sad with an almost draining vibe to it. I don't have any colorful story of the day to share or anyone that I was very close with passed away so I felt it was best to steer clear of the topic on that day. With the exception of posting a general memorial to those who died that day and I also posted the favorite song of a family friend who we lost that day. In loving Memory of Mike "Buddy" Zinzi" Learn More In my last post, I mentioned the book that I had let it sit around and collect dust instead of using it to its fullest potential : the Rock/Star Planner And d...


Hello again everyone. Now that I'm back into the full swing of things, it seems pretty ridiculous that I took such a long break from blogging. Recently I've been trying to finish up a lot of tasks that have been stockpiling up by simply not overthinking and diving in little by little to get what I need get done. After completing a few things, I couldn't believe that these things have just been sitting around not finished for so long. Some of the stuff included re-doing the band's online merchandise store to showcase some stuff like new shirts, phone cases, etc that have our new album cover printed on it. My main deterrent was the fact that I started doing this a few months ago absent mindedly placing our new album cover on the merchandise before it was actually finalized to include the album title at the bottom. You see, these little things create lots of mental clutter that kept me from making the merchandise available to people. But this was just one of severa...

You Can't Please Everyone

Hello everyone, after my last post may have come off at the beginning being downright whiny I decided to put a positive spin on exactly what has been on my mind lately. I have been noticing a decline and the overall camaraderie teamwork not only with and bounds but with other bands themselves. This is probably one of the reasons why one of my most recent shows had very poor attendance, Which at this stage of the game for me is downright embarrassing. I didn't think playing on an off night would be a total deterrent for everybody. Especially since other bands have been able to draw at this particular events. And I'm sure if this was a bigger national touring acts, the charges triple or quadruple of who have been able to draw at this particular events. And I'm sure if this was a bigger national touring acts, the charges triple or quadruple of why our door cover most people wouldn't care and they be even taking pictures i'm going live on Facebook to brag about ...