The Promise

Hello everyone, I know it’s been months since I wrote some thing. I probably said that a few dozen times so it’s safe to say The only thing I’m consistent at is being inconsistent( & I’ve probably already said that too) I’m just trying to find a way to create a regimen in order to rectify this. And if anyone has any suggestions, I am all ears. I could just blame my absence on a number of things. Such as everybody’s go-to excuse,”I’m Busy”. But I must admit that it’s lack of organization, combined with being overwhelmed with so many things I have to do indirectly in order to keep my project afloat. But I am not looking for any sympathy or patronizing. Even though a few medical issues had a rose, which kept me not just from writing, but also performing during the summer months, I enjoy playing outside with an acoustic guitar and a portable amp. Or ask they call it in England “busking”. Oh, obviously, I meant to post this during the s...