
Showing posts from 2021

Land of Confusion

  Hello all, I wanted to start by saying that I know my last entry may have been a bit preachy . I know everybody has the right to believe what they choose to believe. But as you all know, this is coming from my perspective hence the name of the blog. I decided I want to write something about World Kindness Day , which was yesterday by the way. I was considering writing about a story that happened over the summer that Iā€™ve been putting on the back burner so to speak. So, I guess thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m doing yet again. Earlier today, one of the lines from the song by Genesis I chose to name this entry after stuck out to me. As it correlates to National Kindness Day. ā€œThere's not much love to go aroundā€, which I actually disagree with ...

The Veil is thinning

Hello all, I must admit this Samhain season has been a bit slow. But still interesting. Most people have their own rituals around this time of year. From the costumes and pumpkin carving, to a trip out of town to a place frequent around Halloween such as Salem or Sleepy Hollow . I however chose to withdraw from one of my long standing traditions, performing live. I just felt it was not the right time and "sitting this one out" wouldn't be so bad. I am a firm believer in do it right or not at all. Still with everything going on I have plenty to reflect on and work towards in the coming months but more on that by later. There is one tradition that I am definitely not going to withdraw from,and that the very root of this celebration(no,not Trick or Treating) honoring those who passed on. As I am writing this, I am watching the sky darken and in between tonight and tomorrow. night, it is said that the veil between the wor...

It's Never Enough

Hello again everybody. When I first came up with the idea for this particular entry, it was back in early July. And even those itā€™s the last day of September (and most likely your reading this in October) I. Didn't want another month to go by. I was on the way to the charity show I had mentioned previously Bravo Fest . Obviously a lot has happened between now and then. But oh, I still think that the basic idea is still relevant. At the time, I found myself driving on I-95 up to the show in Connecticut thinking about all of the pitfalls I had encountered trying to put this together. From cancellations, things getting lost in the mail and in general things not coming together the way I had hoped they would. Plus sitting in traffic never put anyone in a good mood. Especially me. Of course this was different than most of the events said I had performed at. Because not only was it a charity, but it was for raising money for our veterans. Whi...

Stand by Me

Hello everyone, my apologies for my absence this past week. Sometimes a much-needed pause is necessary. More accurately, reflecting back and being that my birthday is coming up this Monday it's naturally the time to do so. Even though I have referenced this film and the main character's perspective before, this look into this great piece of work (and each form of media it's represented in) is not redundant. I am in no way looking to lose the momentum I have gained this year with consistent entries. I just needed a short breather, it happens. After all, we are human and if the events of this past year-and-a-half haven't taught us that then I don't think anything will. But then again, who am I to ponder what is or isn't or what may or may not happen. All I can really speak of accurately are the things I have seen, experienced and felt. And if there's one thing that the story that inspired the entry taught me, is that our words weaken ...

Finally taking the stage again (and how you can watch)

We are just starting to get back to performing shows. See the info for this event if you're in the area. If not click here to watch perform live this Thursday online 6:30 PM EST in support raising money for COVID relief through the American Red Cross. Tri County Give Back On Saturday July 10th, Charlee Bravos in Putnam Connecticut and Metal Fortress Radio brings with you : " Bravofest ". This is an annual event that is being held in order to raise money for the American Red Cross and Homes For Our Troops , a national nonprofit which builds and donates specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post-911 Veterans, to enable them to rebuild their lives. This will be an all day event featuring live performances from several bands from the local area, as well as bands from Rhode Island and New York City. This event will also include Food with the cost of admission, but will be completely free for all Veterans. The band's...

Catch Me Now I'm Falling

Hello again everybody, well the good thing about posting this now is that I can congratulate everybody for making it through another week. I think that this one will be a pretty fitting end to Mental Health Awareness Month . The title pretty much gives this one away, but as you know there are many layers to a story to examine. As some of you probably already know, I lifted the title of this post from a song by The Kinks . Since the lyrics of this song primarily gravitate around the comic book hero Captain America (which I was once nicknamed behind my back by complaining ex bandmates that were mad bc I am willing to do what it takes to be successful when they were not, how dare I) asking for help from somebody, anybody. After trying to find out exactly what the inspiration for this song was, I discovered that this was the personification of America in crisis knowing that they have always given aid to other countries. They couldn't have picked a better Motif, since thi...

Time of the Season

Hello all, sorry I'm a little late this week. I usually try to have something out by Monday at the latest. But unfortunately, I wasn't able to get much sleep Sunday night and it really affected my overall ability to function. However, I just want to say : Yes! It is that time of the season again. We finally have some consistently warm weather! And when I say we, I mean those of us that live in places that have seasons with changing temperatures. And when I say we I also mean those that enjoy the heat. For me it can almost never get too hot. But for some 75-80 Degrees feels like being in hell. No matter how you look at it, the weather does affect us in many ways. There have even been studies that show people who live in colder climates or places with less sunlight have a greater chance of having depression and other mood disorders. But I'll try to focus on the positive end of things right now and just be grateful that the warm weather is back! I should point out ...

A Writer Writes, Always

Hello again everybody, for this entry I'm going to have the theme be around a movie for a change. Actually, one scene from a movie in particular that stuck out my mind after the events of the past few weeks. It's from a movie called "Throw Momma from the Train" starring Billy Crystal and Danny DeVito . It wasn't the most colorful line from this scene, or even the title of the clip that I found on YouTube. Yet, from my perspective it was the most powerful message from the whole thing : "a writer writes, always" . This can be interpreted several different ways, but for myself I saw this as not allowing anything to get in the way of my writing. I must admit that I had stumbled upon these words, as they were said as a closing statement by Billy Crystal's character who is teaching a creative writing class. Of course most of this scene was meant to be a joke at the expense of a man in the class that mostly had sex on the brain (you'll se...

All of My Love

Hello everyone, First of all let me say once again that I am very appreciative of everyone who gave me condolences and for those who continue to read I am very grateful. Last week I suffered another personal loss. For me it was losing a child, all though it's not a human child it is my loss. How some try to diminish the severity of the loss of a pet had me almost keep this private. This is just one of the many byproducts of today's society that we feel we have the right to dictate the emotions of others based on our own viewpoints. Nevertheless, it doesn't change how I feel and he shouldn't be robbed of a tribute because of some blowhards that wouldn't have the balls to say unsolicited and cruel things in person. Our pets do show us unconditional love and we enrich each other's lives. And for some of us, inspire us to be better people. I remember this guy, Pluto (as he was later named), was a small black kitten with a white patch on his chest w...

No Eternal Reward Will Forgive Us Now For Wasting The Dawn

Hello Everyone, This is technically my 100th entry. Although originally I created this blog to promote shows and other news about my band. So officially about another 25 posts or so will be the 100th entry where I'm actually writing. which will probably only be a few more months from now, if by then you haven't gotten sick of coming here and reading what I have to say of course. Either way, thank you in advance it's much appreciated. Even with all the years I've put into this, I'm still learning and trying to find ways to gain more readers and visibility. The point is, we should always be looking to improve things and moving to the next step. As I've said before in some way or the other, for an ambitious person being content his death. it's okay to be proud of what you've done so far, but there's always something we can learn and improve upon and I shouldn't be viewed as a burden. Even with the many years I have spent performing ...

Here Comes the Sun

Hello again, I would like to start by thanking everybody who reached out to me last week. Especially those who shared having similar experiences growing up. It makes a person realize that they shouldn't feel ashamed over but they've been through since other people can relate to it. but here I go, stating the obvious again. This past week I had much more time on my hands, and for the most part that was a good thing. I did find myself overthinking or going into a negative pattern with all the empty space around me. It is very symbolic of somebody's passing. You go to a place or enter a room that the person that is no longer with us once occupied and there is this ominously empty feeling it goes along with what you see there. Especially if a person had died suddenly. I was really mindful of this after seeing the scene in "the Men with" Marlon Brando (his first starring role infact), which was set in a VA Hospital and one of the guys there went in for a ...